Maqasid al-Shari’ah and its Realization in Contemporary Societies 

Date:8-10 August 2006 
Venue:International Islamic University Malaysia 



08:00 – 09:00 Registration:Venue: CAC Foyer 

09:00 – 10:30 Opening Ceremony Venue: CAC Main Hall 

09.00 Welcoming Remarks by Chairperson 

09.05 Recitation of the Holy Quran 

09.15 Multimedia Presentation 

09.20 Remarks by the Director of the Conference 

09.30 Welcoming Remarks by the Rector, IIUM 

09:50 Opening Speech by: 
Y.A.B. Dato’ Seri Abdullah Badawi 
The Right Honourable Prime Minister of Malaysia 

10:30 AM Refreshment 

Venue: CAC Main Hall 

Keynote Addreess by 
His Excellency Sheikh Dr. Mohamad al-Habib Ibn al-Khujah 
Secretary General of Islamic Fiqh Academy, OIC (Jeddah) 

Chairperson: Mr. Ahmed S. Hariri 
(Director, Regional Office of Islamic Development Bank, Kuala Lumpur) 


Venue: CAC Main Hall 
Chairperson: Prof. Dr. Koutoub Sano Mustapha 

1- The Maqasid -Approach and Rethinking Political Rights in Modern 
Society.Speaker: Dr. Louay Safi 
(Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) 

2-[On Maqa id al-Shariah and Its Relationship With Other Islamic Disciplines] 
Speaker: Sheikh Muhammad Ali al-Taskhiri 
(Majma= al-Taqrib Bayna al-Madhahib al-Islamiyyah, Tehran, Islamic Republic of 

3- Maqasid and the Challenge of ModernitySpeaker: Prof. Dr. Wael Hallaq 
(Mc Gill University, Montreal, Canada.) 

03:30 – 03:55 Tea Break 
(Theme: General) 
Panel 1 
Venue: Room No. 1 
Chairperson: Prof. Malik Badri 

1- [Maqasid-oriented Thinking and Its Present Priorities] 
Speaker: Dr. Muhammad Rafi? 
(Faculty of Arts, University of Fez, Morocco) 

2[MaqaCid al-Shari=ah Between Intrinsic Value and Limited Efficacy]Speaker: Dr. 
Muhammad Ben Nasr 
(Paris, France.) 

3- Speaker: Motaz al-Khateeb 
(Al-Jazeerah TV Channel, Doha/Qatar) 

Panel 2 
Venue: Room No. 2 
Chairperson: Prof. Ahmed Abdur Rahim Nasr 

Speaker: Dr. Radwan Jamal al-Atrash 
(International Islamic University Malaysia) 

2- [The Importance of MaqaCid al-Shari=ah for the Development of Financial and 
Banking Tools] 
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Jassim Ali Salem AlShamsi & Hassan Mohammad al-Marzouki 
(College of Shari=ah and Law, Al Ain, UAE) 

3- [The Importance of Maqasid al-Shari=ah for the Development of Financial and 
Banking Instruments]Speaker: Dr. Wael Mohamed Arabiyat 
(Shari=ah College, University of Jordan, Amman) 

Panel 3 
Venue: Room No. 3 
Chairperson: Prof. Arif Ali Arif 

1- [Facial Expression in Prophetic Traditions: a Study in Non-Verbal Language] 
Speaker: Dr. Ali Muhammad Noor al-Madani 
(Faculty of Arts, University of Bahrain.) 

2- [Maqasid al-Shari=ah in the Prophetic Traditions Concerning Political 
Reform]Speaker: Dr. Muhammad Asri Zainal Abidin 
(Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia.) 

3- [The Role of the Higher Objectives of the Shari=ah in the Understanding of 
Prophetic Sayings]Speaker: Dr. Khalid bin Mansur bin Abdullah 
(King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.) 

Panel 4 
Venue: Room No. 4 
Chairperson: Prof. Abdelmajid Najjar 

1- [The Role of the Higher Objectives of the Shari=ah in Evaluating Modern 
Scientific Advancements]Speaker: Dr. Mu`min Ahmad Shuwaydeh 
(Faculty of Shari=ah and Law, Islamic University, Ghaza, Palestine.) 

2- [The Shari=ah Objective of Removing Hardship in Hajj: an MaqaCid-oriented 
Speaker: Dr. Hani Ahmad Abd al- Shakur 
(Faculty of Arts and Human Sciences, King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia.) 

3- Dr. Bachir Soualhi 
(Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, International 
Islamic University Malaysia) 

09:00 – 10:30: SESSION IV Second Main Panel 
Venue: CAC Main Hall 
Chairperson: Prof. Nadir Abdullah al-Jalal 

1- [Revitalizing the Shari=ah Higher objectives in Solving the Problem of the 
Ummah]Speaker: Prof. Dr. Abdel Majid al-Najjar 
(International Association of Muslim Scholars and Islamic Fatwa and Research 
Council of Europe, Paris.) 

2- [MaqaCid al-Shari=ah as a Framework for Reform and Renewal in Muslim 
Societies]Speaker: Dr. Amin Hassan Omar 
(Press Advisor to the President, Sudan.) 

3- Maqasid al-Shari!ah in the Prohibition of Riba and their Implications for 
Modern Islamic Finance. 
Speaker: Dr. Monzer Kahf 
(Islamic Finance Consultant, USA.) 

10:30 – 10:55 Tea Break 

11:00 – 12:30: SESSION V (4 PARALLEL PANELS) 
Panel 1 
Venue: Room No. 1 
Chairperson: Prof. Munjid Mustafa Bahgat 

1- [Acieving Muslim Unity on the Basis of MaqaFid al-Shari?ah]Speaker: Dr. 
Abdul Rahman bin Jamil Qassas 
(Umm al-Qura University, Saudi Arabia.) 

2- [The MaqaCid-based Culture and Its Impact on Peaceful Coexistence] 
Speaker: Omar Ben Salih ben Omar 
(Faculty of Shari=ah and Islamic Studies, University of Sharjah, UAE.) 

3- [From the Protection of the Necessities to the Development of the Ummah: 
Impact of World-View on the 
Conceptualization of MaqaCid al-Shari=ah]Speaker: Dr. Gasser Audah 
(Centre for the Study of MaqaCid, al-Furqan Foundation, London, UK.) 

Panel 2 
Venue: Room No. 2 
Chairperson: Prof. Hassan A. Ibrahim 

1- [Al-Imam al-Shaæibá’s Theory of MaqaCid: A Study in the Epistemological 
Formation of the Science of MaqaCid]5 
Speaker: Dr. BaDr. ane Benlahcene 
Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Arts, University of Batna, Algeria.) 

2- Reconstruction of Traditional Islamic Hermeneutics For the Needs of 
Contemporary Society: A Revivalist 
Attitudes Toward Maqa id in the Case of Yasar Nuri Ozturk 
Speaker: Dr. Necmittin Gokhir 
(Faculty of Theology, Istanbul University, Turkey.) 

3- Towards an Easily Accessible Development of the Ummah: A Maqa id-based 
FrameworkSpeaker: Fuad Ali 
(School of Social Science and Public Policy, King’s College, London, UK.) 

Panel 3: 

Venue: Room No. 3 
Chairperson: Dr. Abdul Rahman Chik 

1- Menangani Ikhtilaf Di Malaysia Menerusi Penghayatan Fiqh al-Maqa id 
(Managing Differences of Opinion MaqaCid-based Fiqh)Speaker: Dr. Saadan Man 
(Jabatn Fiqh dan Usul, Universiti Malaya.) 

2- (The Impact of Maqasid Shariah on Deepening Civilizational 
Consciousness)Speaker: Dr. Mesfir bin Ali al-Qahtani 
(University of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.) 

3- [Shari=ah Commands and MaqaCid-based Conduct]Speaker: Dr. Ahmad Bouaoud 
(University of Tetouan, Morocco) 

Panel 4 
Venue: Room No. 4 
Chairperson: Dr. Hazizan Mohamad Noon 

1- (The Intents of Qur’anic Legislation and their Significance for the Unity of 
the Muslim Ummah) 
Speaker: Dr. Ihsan Musa al-Rubayee 
(Islamic University College Malaysia, KUIM) 

2- Hubungan Maqasid Syariah Dengan Siyasah Syar’iyyah. 
(The Relationship Between MaqaCid and Siyasah Shar‘iyyah)Speaker: Assoc. Prof. 
Naemah Abdul Rahman & Mohamad Nazir Alias. 
(Jabatan Syari‘ah, Akademi Islam, University of Malaya) 

3- (The Relationship Between MaqaCid al-Shari=ah and Siyasah 
Shar‘iyyah)Speaker: Khalid bin Ibrahim bin Muhammad al-Husayyin 
(King Faycal University, Riyadh) 

02:00 – 03:30: SESSION VI: (4 PARALLEL PANELS) 

Panel 1 
Venue: Room No. 1 
Chairperson: Dr. Mohamed Ben Nser 

1- [Human Welfare and the Shari=ah Commands: the Case of Bank Interest]Speaker: 
Dr. Abdul Azim Abu Zaid 
(Kulliyyah of Economics and Management Sciences, International Islamic 
University Malaysia.) 

2- [The Objectives of the Shari=ah in Financial Transactions According to Ibn 
Speaker: Dr. Ibrahim Ali Ahmad al-Shal 
(Faculty of Shari=ah and Law, University of Emirates, UAE.) 

3- [The Attempts in Turkey to Perform Ritual Worship in Turkish Language in the 
Light of the Shariah Higher 
Speaker: Hidayah Aidar 
(Faculty of Theology, Istanbul University, Turkey.) 

Panel 2 
Venue: Room No. 2 
Chairperson: Dr. Akmal Khuzairi 

1- Maqsad Hifz al-Mal, al-Wasail dan Prinsip al-Islah Sebagai Asas Fiqh 
al-Tanzili Dalam Muamalat 
Islamiyyah: Satu Huraian Berkenaan Pembentukan Dan Pengukuhan Kerangka Syariah 
Dalam Sektor 
Pasaran Modal Islam Di Malaysia. 
(The Means of MaqCad MifN al-Mal and the Doctrine of IClaO as a Basis for Fiqh 
Tanzili in the Malaysian Islamic 
Capital Market) 
Speaker: Mohd Nabil Muhammad Shukri 
(Islamic Banking and Finance Institute of Malaysia.) 

2- [The MaqaCid Dimension of the Shari=ah Pertaining Stocks and Bonds] 
Speaker: Dr. Asmadi Muhammad Naim 
(Faculty of Banking and Fiance, Universiti Utara Malaysia.) 

3- The Relationship Between the Objectives of Objectives of Islamic Banking and 
Its Performance Measures: A 
Maqa idic Approach 
Speaker: Mustafa Omar Muhammad 
(Kulliyyah of Economics and Management Sciences, International Islamic 
University Malaysia.) 

4- [Securitization and Its Role in the Realization of Maqasid al-Shariah] 
Speaker: Muhammad Ibrahim Niqashi 
(Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, International 
Islamic University Malaysia.) 

Panel 3 
Venue: Room No. 3 
Chairperson: Dr. Mohamad Aslam Haneef 

1- The Shari!ah Objectives in Financial Contracts and Islamic Banking.Speaker: 
Dr. Muhammad Akram Laldin 
(Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, International 
Islamic University Malaysia.) 

2- Objectives of Rahn and their Achievement in Charge/Mortgage in Islamic-home 
Financing: an Analysis. 
Speaker: Dr. Uzaimah Ibrahim 
(Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws, International Islamic University Malaysia.) 

3- The Concept of Dhara`i! and its Role in the Realization of Maqasid 
al-Shari!ah: An Exploration of its 
Application to Some Practical Aspects of Islamic Insurance 
Speaker: Dr. Akhtarzaite Abdul Aziz 
(Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, International 
Islamic University Malaysia.) 

Panel 4 
Venue: Room No. 4 
Chairperson: Dr. Zaleeha Kamaruddin 

1- Aplikasi Maslahah Dalam Menyelesaikan Kes-Kes Pengecualian Sistem Pusaka 
(Application of the Principle of Maslahah in Solving Problematic Cases in 
Islamic Law of Inheritance) 
Speaker: Noor Lizza Mohamed Said 
(Fakulti Pengajian dan Peradaban, Kolej Universiti Islam Selangor.) 

2- Produk Hibah dan Kesannya Kepada Pencapaian Maqasid Dalam Sistem 
Kekeluargaan Islam di 
(The Hibah Product and Its Role in the Realization of Maqasid al-Shariah in 
Islamic Family Law in Malaysia) 
Speaker: Dr. Abdul Karim Ali 
(Akademi Pengajian Islam, Universiti Malaya.) 

3- Implications of Maqasid al-Shariah in the Application of the Rule of 
Istihsan bi’l-Maslahah. 
Speaker: Dr. Nizaita Omar & Dr. Zulkifly Muda 
(Kolej Universiti Sains dan Teknologi Malaysia/(Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of 
Laws, International Islamic University 

03:30 – 03:55 Tea Break and Refreshment 

Panel 1 
Venue: Room No. 1 
Chairperson: Prof. Torla Hj. Hassan 

1- Maqasid and Related Legal Tools in Current Bioethical Questions: Prospects 
and LimitsSpeaker: Dr. Iman @ Anke SanDr. a Bouzenita 
(Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, International 
Islamic University Malaysia.) 

2- [Revitalizing MaqaCid-based for Ijtihad on Genetic Engineering Issues] 
Speaker: Huda Hilal 
(Akademi Pengajian Islam, Universiti Malaya.) 

3- The Role of Maqasid al-Shari!ah in Engineering Ethics: Whistle-blowing As A 
Case Study 
Speaker: Waleed F. Faris 
(Kulliyyah of Engineering, International Islamic University Malaysia.) 

Panel 2 
Venue: Room No. 2 
Chairperson: Dr. Anis Malik Toha 
1- Pendekatan Al-Kindi Dalam Menangani Penyakit Kemurungan Berasaskan Maqasid 
(Al-Kindi’s Method of Distress Treatment in the Light of MaqaCid al-Shari=ah) 
Speaker: Nor Saleha Bt Mohd Salleh 
(Fakulti Pengajian dan Peradaban, Kolej Universiti Islam Selangor.) 

2- (The importance of Arabic Rhetoric for the Confirmation of Maqasid 
Speaker: Dr. Abdul Rahman Abdul Razak al-Sadi 
(Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, International 
Islamic University Malaysia.) 

3- [Importance of Arabic Language for Discovering the Higher Objectives of the 
Speaker: Dr. Abu Said Muhammad Abdul Majid 
(Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, International 
Islamic University Malaysia.) 

Panel 3 
Venue: Room No. 3 
Chairperson: Dr. Ashraf Mohd. Hashim 

1- [The Objectives of Islamic Penal Law] 
Speaker: Dr. Hassan Hendaoui 
(Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, International 
Islamic University Malaysia.) 

2- Maqasidic Aspects in Contemporary Processes of Codifying Islamic Penal 
System: the Sudanese 
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Zein 
(Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, International 
Islamic University Malaysia.) 

3- The Role of Just Retribution and Its Alternatives in Preserving the Higher 
Objectives of the 
Speaker: Dr. Muhammad Amanullah 
(Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, International 
Islamic University Malaysia.) 

Panel 4 
Venue: Room No. 4 
Chairperson: Dr. Ahmad Abu Shouk 

1- [The Objectives of the Shari=ah in the Light of the Sunnah: the case of the 
Speaker: Dr. Abdul Aziz Shakir Hamdan al-Kubaisi 
(University of Emirates, UAE.) 

2- Modern State-Enacted Islamic Family Laws: Towards a Maqa id-Affirming 
Speaker: Dr. Sayed Sikandar Shah 
(Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, International 
Islamic University Malaysia.) 

3- [Delay of Marriage Among the Youth in the Light of the Higher Objectives of 
the Shari=ah]Speaker: Dr. Mek Wok Mahmud & Dr. Saupi Man 
(Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, International 
Islamic University Malaysia.) 
Day Three – Thursday 10 August 
Panel 1 
Venue: Room No. 1 
Chairperson: Prof. Wael Hallaq 

1- [The Place of MaqaCid in UCul al-Fiqh: The Case of al-Shatibi’s Work] 
Speaker: Dr. Naamane Djeghim 
(Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, International 
Islamic University Malaysia) 

2-[Independence of MaqaCid al-Shari=ah from UCul al-Fiqh: Theory and Practice] 
Speaker: Dr. Ghalia Bouhedda 
(Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, International 
Islamic University Malaysia.) 

3- Maqa id al-Shari!ah: An U uli Doctrine or Independent Discipline: A Study of 
Ibn Ashur’s Views. 
Speaker: Dr. Mohamed El-Tahir El-Mesawi 
(Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, International 
Islamic University Malaysia.) 

Panel 2 
Venue: Room No. 2 
Chairperson: Dr. Ali al-Hakim 

1- (Interpretive Function in the Study of Maqasid: the case of valid and 
invalid qualifications)Speaker: Dr. Salih Qadir al-Zinki 
(Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, International 
Islamic University Malaysia.) 

2- [MaqaCid al-Shari=ah as A Legal Proof: A Methodological Point of 
View]Speaker: Prof. Dr. Koutoub Sano Mustapha 
(Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, International 
Islamic University Malaysia.) 

3Speaker: Dr. Ahmad bin Abdullah al-Dhuwayhii 
(College of Shari ‘ah, University of Riyadh/SA) 

Panel 3 
Venue: Room No. 3 
Chairperson: Dr. Louay Safi 

1- The Question of Methodology in the Science of Maqa id.. 
Speaker: Dr. Yunus Soualhi 
(Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, International 
Islamic University Malaysia.) 

2- [The Role of Context in The Understanding of The Lawgiver’s Intents] 
Speaker: Dr. Najmuddin al-Zinki 
(Akademi Islam, University of Malaya, Malaysia.) 

3- (Intention and its Role in Shaping the Human Agents Actions According to the 
Lawgiver’s Intents) 
Speaker: Dr. Asma Akli 
(Islamic University College Malaysia, KUIM) 

Panel 4 
Venue: Room No. 4 
Chairperson: Prof. Abdul Rashid Moten 

1- The Use of Maqa id al-Shari!ah in Building Alternative Framework for Urban 
Speaker: Dr. Shuhaidah Md. Noor & Dr. Azila Ahmad Sarkawi 
(Kulliyyah of Architecture and Urban Design, International Islamic University 

2- The Coverage of Maqa id al-Shari!ah in online databases and Search Engines. 
Speaker: Dr. Yusuf Ismail & Suhaimi Muhammad 
(Kulliyyah of Economics and Management Sciences, International Islamic 
University Malaysia.) 

3- Maqa id-Based Approach to Administration. 
Speaker: Dr. Abdul Rauf Ambali 
(Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, International 
Islamic University Malaysia.) 

10:30 – 10:55 Tea Break and Refreshment 

Panel 1 
Venue: Room No. 1 
Chairperson: Dr. Wan Sabri 

1- Kepenting Dawabit al-Maslahah Dalam Konteks Pembicaraan Maqa id al-Shari!ah 
(The Significance of TawabiU al-MaClaOah in the Context of MaqaCid al-Shari=ah) 
Speaker: Dr. Islamail Ibrahim and Colleagues 
(Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, International 
Islamic University Malaysia.) 

2- Speaker: Dr. Saad Eddine Mansour 
(Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, International 
Islamic University Malaysia.) 

3- The Concept of Ma laBah and Doctrine of Maqa id (Objectives) al-Shari!ah in 
Project Evaluation. 
Speaker: Abdullah Jalil 
(Faculty of Economics and Mu=amalat, KUIM.) 

Panel 2 
Venue: Room No 2 
Chairperson: Prof. Sherman Jackson 

1- [The Objectives of the Shari=ah as a Tool for Understanding Social 
Phenomenon: a Khaldunian Perpective] 
Speaker: Dr. Jilani Miftah 
(CELPAD, International Islamic University Malaysia.) 

2- A Preliminary Exploration into the Application of Maqasid al-Shari!ah Theory 
in Human Sciences: The case 
of Sociology.Speaker: Dr. Hazizan Md. Noon 
(Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, International 
Islamic University Malaysia.) 

3- Maqasid al-Shari!ah as a Tool of Intellectual Reform and Civilizational 
Speaker: Dr. Abdel Aziz Bergouht 
(Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, International 
Islamic University Malaysia.) 

Panel 3 
Venue: Room No 3 
Chairperson: Dr. Ismail Abdullah 

1- [Impact of UCuli Thought on High Education Planning: the Importance of the 
Study of MaqaCid] 
Speaker: Dr. Abu Bakar Muhammad Ahmad 
(Institute of Islamization of Knowledge (IMAM), al-Jazeerah University, Sudan.) 

2- [Current State of the Study of MaqaCid al-Shari=ah in Jordanian Universities 
with Special Reference to the University of 
Speaker: Dr. Abdullah Ali Mahmud al-Sayfi. 
University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan. 

3- Pendekatan Baru Maqasid al-Shariah Dalam Pengajian Syariah Di Malaysia: Satu 
(A New Maqasid-based Approach in Islamic Legal Education in Malaysia: An 
Analysis)Speaker: Prof. Madya Dr. Rahimin Affandi 
(Akademi Pengajian Islam, Universiti Malaya.) 

4- (Making Use of Mistakes as a Means for Realizing MaqaCid al-Shari=ah in the 
Process of Education) 
Speaker: Dr. Jamal Ahmad Badi 
(Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, International 
Islamic University Malaysia.) 

Panel 4 
Venue: Room No. 4 
Chairperson: Dr. Monzer Kahf 

1- [The Objectives of the Shari=ah Regarding the Preservation and Protection of 
the Environment]Speaker: Dr. Muhammad Abdul Qadir Faqi 
(HESTO Ltd, Kuwait.) 

2- [The Importance of Preserving the Environment for Fulfilling Human 
Viceregency]Speaker: Dr. Faridah Zouzou 
(University of Batna, Algeria.) 

3- The Role of the Shari!ah in the Protection of the Environment.Speaker: Mohd 
Ridhwan Gallant 
(Cape Town, South Africa.) 

02:15 – 0400: SESSION X: Third Main Panel 
Venue: CAC Main Hall 
Chairperson: Prof. Muhammad Hashim Kamali 

1- Shari!ah Law and Fiqh Maqa id: An Ijtihadá Approach in the 21st 
centurySpeaker: Ayatullah Ali H. Al-Hakim 
(Institute of Islamic Studies, London, UK) 

2- Concretizing the Maqa id: Islam in the Modern WorldSpeaker: Prof. Sherman A. 
(University of Michigan, USA. ) 

3- [The Encyclopedia of MaqaCid al-Shari=ah Project] 
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Nureleddin Mokhtar al-Khadimi 
(Zaytuna University, Tunisia.) 

8:00 – 10:00: Closing Ceremony and Dinner 
Venue: Legend Hotel 
08.00 PM Recitation of the Holy Quran 
08.10 Closing Remarks by the Director of the Conference 
08:20 Opening Speech by: 
Y.A.B. Dato’ Mustapa Mohamed 
Minister of Higher Education 
08:40 Nasyid Performance by IIUM Students 
09:00 Closing Du'a 
09.05 PM Dinner
Ahlan wa sahlan to:

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berhemah.. insha ALlah

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