Thanks Luis for information sharing, look forward to seeing more feedback and 
input from TVR WG.

发送时间: 2023年3月27日 0:03
收件人: '' <>
主题: [alto] ALTO and TVR

Dear all,

This is just to remind you that tomorrow in TVR there will be a presentation 
that concerns ALTO WG. I will present “Using ALTO for Exposing Time-Variant 
Routing Information” 
( which 
proposes how ALTO cost calendar could be used for TVR exposure to applications. 
Initial ideas for work in TVR and ALTO are identified, which can be useful as 
input for ALTO in the future (as long as TVR is getting mature).

Bets regards


Luis M. Contreras

Transport & IP Networks
Systems and Network Global Direction
Telefónica I+D / CTIO unit / Telefónica

Distrito Telefónica, Edificio Sur 3, Planta 3
28050 Madrid
España / Spain

Mobile: +34 680 947 650<>


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