On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 02:31:15AM -0400, tkimball wrote:
> You'll want to be careful around Sun LDOMs; They don't have a tx in the 
> filesystem designation:
> Filesystem            kbytes    used   avail capacity  Mounted on
> /dev/dsk/c0d0s0      8261657 4113861 4065180    51%    /

Related but different from that issue, I have a system that I'm
trying to backup, was able to backup the underlying UFS file systems
on the platform, but the ldom has its own ZFS file systems and
when I added the ldom both report estimate timeouts.

The client is running the new 2.6.1 binaries we build here,
the server is an older FW system running 2.4.4 and probably
a pain to upgrade (amanda on) because of the older OS.

Extending etimeout was not the solution, not sure it didn't
make things worse.

> --TSK
> -----=====-----
> Tim Kimball
> sungak.net
> choogendyk wrote:
> > 
> > Sun traditionally uses a designation cxtxdxsx for a partition (or 
> > slice), where the x's are numbers. The cx is the scsi bus instance or 
> > controller number, the tx is the SCSI ID or target, and the dx is the 
> > LUN. So, typically the cxtxdx indicates a drive, and the sx is then the 
> > slice or partition on that drive. For all the cases I have had to deal 
> > with, the cxtx uniquely defines the drive. So, I pull out the xx's, put 
> > them in 2 digits per x form, and trim leading 0's to come up with 
> > spindle numbers for my Amanda disklist.
> > 
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