In a recent discussion on widely out of balance dumps and
frequent promotions to level 0 dumps I noted this about
my configuration.

On Thu, Feb 13, 2020 at 11:50:34PM -0500, Jon LaBadie wrote:
> My default {dump/runsper}cycle is 7 days, set in amanda.conf.
> But more than 1/2 of my DLEs have custom dumpcycles (14,21,and
> 28 days) set in their dumptypes.  You can not set custom values
> for runspercycle in dumptypes (bummer!!).

I decided to give amanda's planner a different scenario, long
dumpcycles and daily runspercycle to see if that would have an
effect on the balances and promotions.  It seems to be working.

Using "amadmin <config> balance", the report shows the
expected high balance over the next 28 days only exceeds 57%
one time.  On that one date, 5 DLEs are scheduled to dump 350%
of the balanced amount.  But the 3 days before that are well
under balance, so perhaps the planner will promote some of
the 5 DLEs.

Here are the changes I made.

In "amanda.conf", dumpcycle and runspercycle were both changed
from 7 to 28 days.

In "disklist" I had many entries that defaulted to 7 day cycles
like:      Root    /        comp-root-tar

and many othere entries with longer dumpcycles like:      Vault-Monthly    /opt/vault-monthly {
       dumpcycle 28

I made NO changes to disklist.  Thus it seems like Root above
would get the default 28 day dumpcycle rather than the desired
7 day.  To fix this I edited the "dumptypes" file.  The dumptype
"global" is incorporated into nearly every other dumptype so
I added a dumpcycle line.

   define dumptype global {
       comment "Global definitions"
        index yes
        record yes
        auth "bsdtcp"
        # added jhl 2/13/2020
        dumpcycle 7

So now, DLE Root gets its dumpcyle from the global dumptype
(7 days), Vault-Monthly overrides the global value to 28 days,
and amanda's planner uses the default value from amanda.conf,
also 28 days.

The primary downside is an administrative one.  If someone
adds a new DLE they might expect it to get the default from
amanda.conf when that is actually overridden by the global

If I see any surprise effects from these changes I'll report
back.  But so far (12 days) it has been fine.

Jon H. LaBadie       
 11226 South Shore Rd.          (703) 787-0688 (H)
 Reston, VA  20190              (703) 935-6720 (C)

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