Hello all,

My regular routine is daily amdump to vtl and it works fine.

Once a month, I amvault to an LTO-2 single-tape drive.

On a successful amvault run (3 so far), my logs look like this:

INFO amvault amvault pid 2936250
START amvault date 20201209050002
STATS amvault hostname flamen
INFO amvault vaulting
DISK amvault pomerium.romanus.ca /
DISK amvault flamen.romanus.ca /
DISK amvault forum.romanus.ca /
DISK amvault flamen.romanus.ca /home
INFO taper Slot 45 without label can be labeled
START taper datestamp 20201209050002 "ST:tape_storage" label Vault-2 tape 1
INFO amvault reading from source volume 'vtl32'
PART taper "ST:tape_storage" Vault-2 1 pomerium.romanus.ca /
20201204024701 1/-1 0 [sec 1495.044753 bytes 4100912932 kps 2678.713792]
DONE taper "ST:tape_storage" pomerium.romanus.ca / 20201204024701 1 0
[sec 1496.000000 bytes 4100912932 kps 2677.003342 orig-kb 12335450]
INFO amvault reading from source volume 'vtl33'
PART taper "ST:tape_storage" Vault-2 2 flamen.romanus.ca /
20201207024702 1/-1 0 [sec 3153.603246 bytes 8551283380 kps 2648.038243]
DONE taper "ST:tape_storage" flamen.romanus.ca / 20201207024702 1 0 [sec
3154.000000 bytes 8551283380 kps 2647.705136 orig-kb 20230530]
INFO amvault reading from source volume 'vtl34'
PART taper "ST:tape_storage" Vault-2 3 forum.romanus.ca / 20201208024702
1/-1 0 [sec 4391.490093 bytes 15462689293 kps 3438.532635]
DONE taper "ST:tape_storage" forum.romanus.ca / 20201208024702 1 0 [sec
4392.000000 bytes 15462689293 kps 3438.133424 orig-kb 38373610]
INFO amvault reading from source volume 'vtl35'
INFO amvault reading from source volume 'vtl36'
INFO amvault reading from source volume 'vtl37'
PART taper "ST:tape_storage" Vault-2 4 flamen.romanus.ca /home
20201208024702 1/-1 0 [sec 11243.396124 bytes 45409383883 kps 3944.101988]
DONE taper "ST:tape_storage" flamen.romanus.ca /home 20201208024702 1 0
[sec 11245.000000 bytes 45409383883 kps 3943.539440 orig-kb 58547630]
INFO taper tape Vault-2 kb 71801044 fm 4 [OK]
FINISH driver fake driver finish
FINISH amvault date 20201209050002 time 20326
INFO amvault pid-done 2936250

My most recent amvaults have been failures with

INFO amvault amvault pid 2043546
START amvault date 20210309050003
STATS amvault hostname flamen
INFO amvault vaulting
DISK amvault flamen.romanus.ca /home
DISK amvault forum.romanus.ca /
DISK amvault pomerium.romanus.ca /
DISK amvault flamen.romanus.ca /
INFO taper Slot 43 with label Vault-3 is not reusable
INFO taper Slot 44 with label Vault-1 is not reusable
INFO taper Slot 45 with label Vault-2 is not reusable
INFO taper Slot 1 with label vtl1 is in pool vtl
INFO taper Slot 2 with label vtl2 is in pool vtl
INFO taper Slot 3 with label vtl3 is in pool vtl
INFO taper Slot 32 with label vtl32 is in pool vtl
INFO taper Slot 33 with label vtl33 is in pool vtl
INFO taper Slot 34 with label vtl34 is in pool vtl
INFO taper Slot 35 with label vtl35 is in pool vtl
INFO taper Slot 36 with label vtl36 is in pool vtl
INFO taper Slot 37 with label vtl37 is in pool vtl
INFO taper Slot 38 with label vtl38 is in pool vtl
INFO taper Slot 39 with label vtl39 is in pool vtl
INFO taper Slot 40 with label vtl40 is in pool vtl
INFO taper Slot 41 with label Vault-5 is not in the tapelist
INFO taper Slot 42 with label Vault-1 is not reusable
INFO taper all slots have been loaded
FATAL amvault No acceptable volumes found
FINISH driver fake driver finish
FINISH amvault date 20210309050003 time 10
INFO amvault pid-done 2043546

I am not sure why amanda thinks that tapes are in a "slot" like the vtl,
but I assume that's a coding idiosyncrasy.  I had thought that the "no
acceptable volumes found" could be because this is a blank tape, so I've
been trying various combinations to label it, e.g.

backup@flamen:/etc/amanda/vtl$ amlabel --storage tape_storage --pool
tape_storage  -o 'labelstr="Vault-[1-7]"' -o 'autolabel="Vault-%" any'
vtl Vault-4
Reading label...
Found label 'vtl14' but it doesn't match the labelstr 'vtl[0-9][0-9]*$'.
Not writing label.
Not writing label.

Note the overrides seemingly not being read.

Here's the config file:

|org "Romanus"                   # your organization name for reports||
||mailto "w...@romanus.ca" # space separated list of operators at your site||
||dumpuser "backup"||
||dumpcycle 7                # the number of days in the normal dump cycle||
||runspercycle 5                 # the number of amdump runs in
dumpcycle days||
||                               # (1 week * 5 amdump runs per week --
just weekdays)||
||tapecycle 40 tapes             # the number of tapes in rotation||
||                               # 1 week (dumpcycle) times 30 tapes per
week (just||
||                               # the weekdays) plus a few to handle
errors that||
||                               # need amflush and so we do not
overwrite the full||
||                               # backups performed at the begi6ning of
the previous||
||                               # cycle||
||storage "vtl"||
||vault-storage "tape_storage" ||
||tpchanger "archivedisks"||
||tapetype "HARDDISK"               # what kind of tape it is ||
||runtapes  6                    # number of tapes to be used in a
single run of amdump||
||dtimeout 4800                          # number of idle seconds before
a dump is aborted.||
||ctimeout 30                            # maximum number of seconds
that amcheck waits||
||                                       # for each client host||
||etimeout 600                           # number of seconds per
filesystem for estimates.||
||define dumptype global {||
||        comment "Global definitions"||
||        auth "bsdtcp"||
||#define application-tool and dumptype for the amgtar application||
||define application-tool app_amgtar {||
||    comment "amgtar"||
||    plugin  "amgtar"||
||    #property "GNUTAR-PATH" "/path/to/gtar"||
||    #property "GNUTAR-LISTDIR" "/path/to/gnutar_list_dir"||
||define dumptype gui-base {||
||    global||
||    program "APPLICATION"||
||        application "app_amgtar"||
||        comment "gui base dumptype dumped with tar"||
||        compress none||
||        index yes||
||define tapetype HARDDISK {||
||    comment "Virtual Tapes"||
||    length 19768960 kbytes||
||    part_size 500 mbytes||
||    part_cache_type none||
||define changer LTO-2 {||
||    tpchanger "chg-single:/dev/nst0"||
||    device-property "LEOM" "TRUE" ||
||define changer archivedisks {||
||    tpchanger "chg-disk:/amandatapes"||
||    property "num-slot" "45"||
||    property "auto-create-slot" "yes"||
||define policy HP_Robot {||
||    retention-tapes 5||
||define storage "vtl" {||
||    tapedev "archivedisks"||
||    labelstr "vtl[0-9][0-9]*$"     # label constraint regex: all tapes
must match||
||define storage "tape_storage" {||
||    erase-on-failure yes||
||    policy "HP_Robot"||
||    runtapes 1||
||    set-no-reuse no||
||    tapedev "LTO-2"||
||    tapetype "LTO2"||
||    tapepool "$r"||
||    labelstr "Vault-[1-7]"||
||    autolabel "Vault-%" any||
||includefile "./advanced.conf"||
||includefile "/etc/amanda/template.d/dumptypes"||
||includefile "/etc/amanda/template.d/tapetypes"|

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