On Sunday 14 February 2021 06:40:52 Gene Heskett wrote:

> On Sunday 14 February 2021 06:15:26 Gene Heskett wrote:
> > On Sunday 14 February 2021 02:00:00 Jon LaBadie wrote:
> > > Some days my system logs are being flooded with hundreds
> > > of thousands of network entries saying "STATE_INVALID_DROP".
> > >
> > > Nearly all are caused by packets coming from my regular
> > > desktop system to my amanda server.  And based on the
> > > times and sizes (all full to MTU) they are amanda dump
> > > packets.
> > >
> > > When it occurs, a run of bad packets will last for about
> > > one minute (300-400 bad packets per second) and after a
> > > gap of about nine minutes will start again for one minute.
> > > Here is a sample from last night.
> > >
> > >                Bad Run of Packets
> > >                 start        end
> > >      Feb 13    03:28:43    03:29:56
> > >      Feb 13    03:38:44    03:39:54
> > >      Feb 13    03:48:45    03:50:20
> > >      Feb 13    03:58:46    04:00:00
> > >      Feb 13    04:08:47    04:10:25
> > >      Feb 13    04:18:48    04:20:09
> > >      Feb 13    04:28:49    04:30:01
> > >
> > > This continued until after 6AM.
> > >
> > > Note, the amdump run successfully completed even
> > > with this bad activity, but took much longer than
> > > normal (like 2-3 times longer).
> > >
> > > I am getting some of these bad packet runs each night.
> > > However on most nights it is only a couple of bad runs
> > > lasting a minute or even less.
> > >
> > > Any suggestions on what/how to investigate this.
> > >
> > > Thanks,
> > > Jon
> >
> >  I just went back 1000 lines in my syslog, did not find any of
> > those, but am finding reject notes from a large group of dns_servers
> > that are said to be utf8 flagged.
> >
> > And 8 minutes after amanda started several repeats of this message I
> > cannot decode:
> >
> > Feb 14 02:08:11 coyote udisksd[20975]: Error performing housekeeping
> > for drive /org/freedesktop/UDisks2/drives/ST_M13FQBL_QNR_BFW: Error
> > updating SMART data: Error sending ATA command CHECK POWER MO
> > DE: Unexpected sense data returned:#0120000: 70 00 05 00  00 00 00
> > 0a 04 51 00 00  21 04 00 00    p........Q..!...#0120010: 00 00 00 00
> >  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00    ................#01
> > 2 (g-io-error-quark, 0)
> >
> > The next repeat is ten minutes later:
> >
> > Feb 14 02:18:10 coyote udisksd[20975]: Error performing housekeeping
> > for drive /org/freedesktop/UDisks2/drives/ST_M13FQBL_QNR_BFW: Error
> > updating SMART data: Error sending ATA command CHECK POWER MO
> > DE: Unexpected sense data returned:#0120000: 70 00 05 00  00 00 00
> > 0a 04 51 00 00  21 04 00 00    p........Q..!...#0120010: 00 00 00 00
> >  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00    ................#01
> > 2 (g-io-error-quark, 0)
> >
> > ST sounds like a Seagate drive, which I have several of. But which
> > one? Is my continual, apparently random but has hit 5 damned nights
> > in a row amanda CRC that kills amstatus problem because the drive is
> > spinning down in the middle of a backup?
> >
> > Time to triple-check smartctl I think.
> >
> > Copyright 2019 by Maurice E. Heskett
> > Cheers, Gene Heskett
> smartctl says that ID is /dev/sdc, which is not part of the normal
> system, gives a very abbreviated smartctl report saying its a 4
> gigabyte drive.
> No such drive exists! I am running on 2, 2 terrabyte drives, As A & D
> B is a 240Gig SSD exclusily for amanda's holding disk, and C is
> supposed to be a one terrabyte with an older debian wheezy install on
> it.
> Its not mounted, and gparted can't read it.  I'll check on it later
> when I have both eyes open.

Based on my not haveing ANY amanda errors since I pulled that bad stick 
of dram, my next recommendation is rebooting to  memtest86+ from the 
grub menu and let it run for at least one full loop. I'm betting on the 
bottom of the screen blooming like a Poinsettia. If it does and you have 
a 4 stick setup, pull the 2nd and 4th and repeat the test. If thats 
clean, puill 1 and 3 and put 2 an 4 back in, which will tell you which 
pair is bad. Then put just one at a time back in and test again, which 
will tell you which stick is bad.

I had 32G in this box, in only two sticks so it was a little simpler.

Memory prices have skyrocketed, I paid a hundred bucks for two 16Gg 
sticks on 12/01/2019 when I built this box, and I paid a hundred for a 
single stick with the same specs yesterday, but with a Kingston label on 
it. I hope the timeing is compatible or I'll have to buy another just to 
get compatible timing.

OLOy memory is sold with a lifetime warranty at newegg.

That is no good as they (OLOy) say it will take 2 months to make a new 
one, or rebuild mine. BS, they ought to have 20 on the shelf for 
warranty coverage by return mail. Rebuild s/b possible as all errors, 
hundreds of them, came from the most significant byte. Thats one chip. 
If building new, investigate the actual terms of the warranty before 
surrendering your sheckles comes highly recommended by this old coot. 

Sadly I did not do that. Bad dog, no biscuit.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable.
 - Louis D. Brandeis
Genes Web page <http://geneslinuxbox.net:6309/gene>

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