I have compiiled and installed the latest Amanda 2.4.2p1 for an
installation of DEC Unix 4.0b to 4.0d, HP-UX, Solaris, Irix, and NT
(Samba) workstations. Amanda successfully backs up 70+ file systems from
these platforms to the default 'DailySet1', with a dumpcycle of 4 weeks,
runspercycle of 20, and tapecycle of 25 tapes.  All backups use native
dump, e.g. dump, xfsdump, vdump.

I have created an archival set 'Monthly' for off-site storage.  This
shares the same 'disklist' as DailySet1.  The only difference from the
DailySet Amanda config is that I have set 'dumpcycle' to '0' and 'record'
is 'no'.  Level 0 dumps result for all file systems, as expected from the
'0' dumpcycle setting.  However, I find that the 'record no' option is
causing failures for the DEC Unix 'ufs' dumps.  Every other file system,
including DEC 'advfs' is processed okay.

Below is listed the 'sendbackup' debug output, along with a listing of
standard output from the DEC Unix 'dump' command, piped as for Amanda, and
with and without the 'u' option to update /etc/dumpdates.  

The intermediate 'amstatus' output shows that the dump seems to proceed to
dump completion, where "dump: Actual: xxxxx blocks output to pipe" is

The only difference between the 'no-record' and 'record' (u) dump option
is the addition of the 'dump: Level 0 dump ...' line.  In checking
'sendbackup.c', I see that the error output results from a dump-size of
'-1', which is the initial value.  I don't understand why I don't see how
this minor difference would affect the dump_size calculation.

Any help appreciated.

(Note that if I set 'record' to 'yes', the 'Monthly' set DEC Unix 'ufs'
dumps are processed without a hitch.)

amreport output
  skunkworks / lev 0 FAILED [no backup size line]

amstatus output indicates ufs file systems are dumped to 100%
skunkworks<amanda>[46]% amstatus Monthly
Using /usr/adm/amanda/Monthly/amdump from Tue Feb  6 10:04:19 PST 2001
skunkworks:/                             0   53190k dumping    50368k (
94.69%) (10:04:22)

sendbackup.debug shows error message
sendbackup: debug 1 pid 32451 ruid 23 euid 23 start time Tue Feb  6
10:04:23 200
/usr/local/libexec/sendbackup: got input request: DUMP / 0 1970:1:1:0:0:0
S |;bsd-auth;no-record;index;
  parsed request as: program `DUMP' disk `/' lev 0 since 1970:1:1:0:0:0
opt `|;b
  waiting for connect on 4759, then 4760, then 4761
  got all connections
sendbackup: spawning "/sbin/dump" in pipeline
sendbackup: argument list: "dump" "0sf" "1048576" "-" "/dev/rrz0a"
sendbackup: started index creator: "/sbin/restore -tvf - 2>&1 | sed -e '
s/^leaf[        ]*[0-9]*[       ]*\.//
/^dir[  ]/ {
s/^dir[         ]*[0-9]*[       ]*\.//
sendbackup: index created successfully
error [no backup size line]
sendbackup: pid 32451 finish time Tue Feb  6 10:05:08 2001

sample DEC Unix dump output - no-record
# dump 0sf 1048576 - / | ( cd /sw7/tmp ; restore -xf - ) 
dump: Dumping from host skunkworks
dump: Date of this level 0 dump: Mon Feb  5 17:44:26 2001 PST
dump: Date of last level  dump: the start of the epoch 
dump: Dumping /dev/rrz0a (/) to standard output
dump: Mapping (Pass I) [regular files]
dump: Mapping (Pass II) [directories]
dump: Estimate: 55223 blocks being output to pipe
dump: Dumping (Pass III) [directories]
dump: Dumping (Pass IV) [regular files]
dump: 0.91% done -- finished in 00:03
dump: Actual: 55354 blocks output to pipe
dump: Dump completed at Mon Feb  5 17:47:18 2001 PST

sample DEC Unix dump output - record
# dump 0usf 1048576 - / | ( cd /sw7/tmp ; restore -xf - )
dump: Dumping from host skunkworks
dump: Date of this level 0 dump: Mon Feb  5 18:17:06 2001 PST
dump: Date of last level 0 dump: the start of the epoch 
dump: Dumping /dev/rrz0a (/) to standard output
dump: Mapping (Pass I) [regular files]
dump: Mapping (Pass II) [directories]
dump: Estimate: 55211 blocks being output to pipe
dump: Dumping (Pass III) [directories]
dump: Dumping (Pass IV) [regular files]
dump: 0.91% done -- finished in 00:03
dump: Actual: 55342 blocks output to pipe
dump: Level 0 dump on Mon Feb  5 18:17:06 2001 PST      <<< only difference?
dump: Dump completed at Mon Feb  5 18:19:59 2001 PST

Brian Leverson, Systems Manager
University of Washington                e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dept of Aeronautics and Astronautics    phone:  (206)543-6736
Box 352400                              FAX:    (206)543-0217
Seattle, WA  98195-2400                 Office: Gugg 309D

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