I successfully did a bare metal restore of my laptop disk, but there
were a few things I do not
1. We use tar for our backup since our linux shop uses reiserfs. Upon
booting the laptop (IBM
Thinkpad 600) from a CDROM, the restore command used was:
ssh -l amanda "/usr/local/sbin/amrestore -p /dev/nst0
henwife /usr/local" | tar xf -
to restore the /usr/local tree on the laptop (named henwife) from the
I run this command in the partition I will mount as /usr/local. The
result is a directory full of files
with names like 0743030456. Under each of these directories are some of
the files originally in
/usr/local. I copy them all back up one level and then delete the
directories with the <numeric string>
What confuses me is that a couple of times I get a directory restored
with just its own name, not
as a subdirectory of one with a numeric string name. (/usr/doc restored
to doc not to <numeric string>/doc.)
Is it necessary for the tar files to be prefixed with this numeric
string or is there a way around it?
Copying all of he files over takes a while on a big disk.
Have I configured something improperly or is there something I just
don't understand? The system
client: IBM Thinkpad 600, linuxcare bootable business card (debian
based). Was backed up
using RH 6.2, amanda 2.4.2pl1 client
server: SuSE 6.4, amanda 2.4.2pl1
Please, someone embarass me with my ignorance!
Greg Wright
Lucent Technologies
791 Holmdel-Keyport Road
Room L-227
Holmdel, NJ 07733