I'm setting up Amanda here, and would like someone with a bit more
experience than me to look over this and say if it looks decent.  I'll
have someone (me :) ) onsite 4 days out of every 8 to change tapes
(i.e. days 1-4 tape changes can happen, days 5-8 tape changes will not
happen), which is not ideal, but that's how it's going to work out.
I'm thinking that I can run backups to tape the 4 days when changes
happen, and let backups build up in the holding disks on days when
tapes do not get changed?  The plan right now is for an 8 tape set,
what determines the best dumpcycle to use?  (By the way, an autoloader
is out of the question for now.. eventually, this will likely be the
best solution though.. someone needs to invent an autoloader that'll fit
in a 1U box ;) )
Any comments appreciated :)
 -- Sarah

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