On Wed, Aug 08, 2001 at 12:32:28PM +0200, Robert Vetter wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to install AMANDA in our company network. I've already
> installed the server on a Debian Linux machine and everthing seems to
> work fine there - I am able to make backups of the local directorys
> there  The server runs as user backup there. 
> Now I want to backup some directorys from other machines, which run
> FreeBSD. I have installed the client there, and did all the required
> modifications of system files. amandad seems to work fine. It runs as
> user operator. I also created the ~operator/.amandahosts file which
> consist os this line:
> devel3.pss.local      backup
        you said you run as operator, put that here not backup.

> Now when I run the amcheck program on the server I get this error
> message:
> ERROR: office.pss.local: [access as operator not allowed from
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]] open of //.amandahosts failed
> I don't know what is wrong here. I checked the FAQ list, but didn't find
> a solution.
> Can someone give me some hints?
> Thanks a lot
> Robert Vetter
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