We made som test backups with Amanda-2.5.2alpha-20070328 which worked fine.
However, switching to 2.5.2 no backups really get done.

Configure options did not change:

'../configure' '--prefix=/pkg/amanda/2.5.2a/os' '--localstatedir=/ var' '--sysconfdir=/etc' '--with-index-server=pacman3.nada.kth.se' '-- with-user=root' '--with-group=daemon' '--with-rundump' '--with-fqdn' '--with-gnutar=/usr/sfw/bin/gtar' '--with-krb5-security=/pkg/kerberos/ 1.6p/os' '--with-ssh-security' '--with-db=text' '--enable-shared'"

../configure' '--prefix=/pkg/amanda/2.5.2/os' '--localstatedir=/var' '--sysconfdir=/etc' '--with-index-server=pacman3.nada.kth.se' '--with- user=root' '--with-group=daemon' '--with-rundump' '--with-fqdn' '-- with-gnutar=/usr/sfw/bin/gtar' '--with-krb5-security=/pkg/kerberos/ 1.6p/os' '--with-ssh-security' '--with-db=text' '--enable-shared'"

But with 2.5.2 the client get a 'noop' and a 'sendsize' command but never any backup/dump command. The same configuration file get the dump done, when using the alpha version.

We'd really like to run a proper release for production use, so we still hang on to 2.4.1p1 until things has been sorted out.


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