
I heard star is the fastest tar.
So I'm trying to run Amanda with star.
But the backup results was STRANGE.
Below is the part of results:

  sendbackup: info BACKUP=APPLICATION
  sendbackup: info APPLICATION=amstar
  sendbackup: info RECOVER_CMD=/usr/libexec/amanda/application/amstar
restore [./file-to-restore]+
  sendbackup: info end
  | Type of this level 0P dump: partial
  | Date of this level 0P dump: Wed Aug 17 20:29:10 2016
  | Date of last level 0  dump: the epoch
  ? star: Permission denied. Cannot stat 'file1'.
  ? star: Permission denied. Cannot stat 'file2'.


  | star: 2 blocks + 0 bytes (total of 20480 bytes = 20.00k).
  | star: The following problems occurred during archive processing:
  ? star: Cannot: stat 501, open 0, read/write 0, chdir 0. Size changed 0.
  ? star: Missing links 0, Name too long 0, File too big 0, Not dumped 0.
  | star: Processed all possible files, despite earlier errors.
  | star: '/etc/tardumps' not written due to problems during backup.
  sendbackup: size 20
  sendbackup: end

My test environment is that:
  Amanda server: Ubuntu PC
  Amanda client: OS is CentOS, the filesystem I want to backup is Lustre
(So, this Amanda client is a lustre client).

When I tried to run Amanda with star to backup another filesystem(ext4) on
the above Amanda client, It was done well.
But I want to backup the Lustre filesystem, It doesn't work well.
Please advise me about this problem.

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