will amanda tape out the data that cant fit onto that 40gig tape and
then onto the next tape OR will it start over again from the beginning (
as the docs currently say ) and try to fit something that will never fit
onto that tape?. If docs are correct, why does amanda bother bother
attempting to w
OK, I was able to reproduce your problem on a 2.4.2p2 build.
The following patch seems to take care of it. Let me know how it goes.
John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Description: planner-tape-length.diff
>runtapes set to 7
>DELAYING DUMPS IF NEEDED, total_size 94289500, tape length 21504
>mark 2000
> delay: Total size now 94289500.
Thanks. That's just what I needed. I'm pretty sure I see where the
problem is.
I've forgotten. What version of Amanda are you using (so I can generate
runtapes set to 7
INITIAL SCHEDULE (size 94289500):
lx /mnt/hde4 pri 1 lev 0 size 69069340
lx /mnt/hdg3 pri 1 lev 0 size 6060890
lx /mnt/hdg2 pri 1 lev 0 size 5286010
lx /mnt/hdg4 pri 1 lev 0 size 5186500
lx /mnt/sdb2 pri 1 lev 0 size 4156550
lx / pri 1 lev 0 size 1962280
lx /mnt/sd
>Hummm, DLT tape set to 3mb ( 2 + .5 compression )
>partition on /mnt/hde4 is 69578056k ( via df ) /mnt/hde4 'sendsizes' to
>70727004160 ( 66GB, 4.6MB/s )
>i guess i should ask why I didnt get any of these errors?
Don't know without more information.
Take a look at the amdump. fil
Hummm, DLT tape set to 3mb ( 2 + .5 compression )
partition on /mnt/hde4 is 69578056k ( via df ) /mnt/hde4 'sendsizes' to
70727004160 ( 66GB, 4.6MB/s )
at 5am it tried to fit the (/mnt/hde4) partition onto the tail end of
the tape & EOT'd. At 8:30 it tried again onto the next tape. At 9a
>will amanda tape out the data that cant fit onto that 40gig tape and
>then onto the next tape OR will it start over again from the beginning (
>as the docs currently say ) ...
If Amanda hits any tape error (including EOT) it will start the current
image over, from the beginning, on the next tape
will amanda tape out the data that cant fit onto that 40gig tape and
then onto the next tape OR will it start over again from the beginning (
as the docs currently say ) and try to fit something that will never fit
onto that tape?. If docs are correct, why does amanda bother bother
attempting to w