Title: Quick question about STCTL

I'm trying to get stctl working so that I can move on to the Amanda stages, Can anyone help me with this that has probably had troubles in my same area?  I'm situation is below:

I have stctl installed and configured (I think properly) on my Sun E250 running Solaris 7 in 64 bit mode (I am still using the 32 bit driver nonetheless).  I have an Exabyte 10 H changer assembly with an Exabyte 8500 series drive.  When I use the command 'stc status' I get this output:  numdrives=1(0)  numtransports=1(e)  numloadbays=0() numslots=10(m,e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e)

And when I type the command: 'stc load 3 1'  (assuming I'm saying load tape 3 into drive 1) I get this output:  stc: Slot 3 reported empty

This isn't true, I have tapes loaded in "every" slot on the changer.

Can you think of anything that I might be doing wrong?  Assuming I have configured the /usr/kernel/drv/stctl.conf correctly and the major and minor updates are correct is there a way to cause stc to learn that the slots are full?  Or is there a way for stc to check to see if the bays have tapes in them so that it doesn't report 'stc: Slot # empty' ?

Thanks for all of your help, I have been on this for months with no success....

Christopher A.
Starbase Corp.
Los Angeles, Ca.

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