No real problem.  The way amanda talks to autoloaders is so simplistic, that
it's easy to roll your own interface script.  Not that I had to, three of
the provided scripts that come with amanda all worked with my HP 1/20 (with
some TLC).  Make sure to install mt-st  ( provides /usr/bin/mtx ).

I think I had to tweak the version of amanda that RedHat ships with during
testing, but I would recommend grabbing the newest stable source-tarball if
your going to backup any non-RH unix machines, and compile a client from
that tarball on every target architecture.

IMHO: Amanda comes with too many 'gotchas', but is more than worth them once
your past them.  I'm backing up 11 HPUX machines, 8 RedHat machines, and
three floors of PCs.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mats Blomstrand [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2002 3:14 AM
> Subject: Amanda and autoloader
> Hi Daniel
> I saw your name on the amanda-users list. I would like to ask
> a question.
> Im about to buy machines for backup. I have found that I can bring
> the cost down quite a bit if I can use Amanda. Im a bit worried about
> if I can manage to get amanda talking to the autoloader on a
> new machine.
> Should I be worried? Is it a safe bet to get it working on a
> HP 1/9, HP 1/20 or Dell 128T ?
> Please share any experience you might have. Thank you.
> //Mats

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