I’m configured amanda to run native client utilities gnutar, dump, star (shilly 
tar), er something else.

There are certain known and available/approved things you can do, but the 
bottom line is always – Amanda is an intelligent, scheduling, wrapper, 
client-server using OS native tools.

I think I was thinking pigzip (name?) rather than gzip.

Why pipe dd to tar when you can just run tar?

Note – some versions of gtar are considered broken for Amanda, don’t recall the 
versions or the specific reason (might have had to do with argument handling) 
but that is also likely ancient history.

For zfs file systems we’ve also utilized the snapshot option, perhaps out of 
reach because of the way you’ve globbed your DLEs together.

Er – I think the answer is “yes”, but you may have to roll your own.

From: owner-amanda-us...@amanda.org <owner-amanda-us...@amanda.org> On Behalf 
Of Chris Miller
Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2018 1:31 PM
To: amanda-users <amanda-users@amanda.org>
Subject: Clients that retunr something else

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Hi Folks,

Is it possible to have the client run something else besides "tar", like, for 
example, "dd | tar"? Can I specify this from the server? Of course, it goes 
without saying that I need to be able to do the same thing on a Windows client, 
and now I've just said it, so maybe it needed to be said.

Thanks for the help,


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