Re: Tapelist issue only using 3 tape out of a tapecycle of 10.

2005-10-06 Thread Chuck Amadi Systems Administrator
Hi In fact I have used both procedures but I had notes from a particular url that had a list of the usual error and solutions. My Amanda also reports that I need to use DailySet101 next Thus it's back to normal. As it did only cycle through DailySet108 - DailySet110. Thanks for the advice. Chee

Re: Tapelist issue only using 3 tape out of a tapecycle of 10.

2005-10-06 Thread Stefan G. Weichinger
Chuck Amadi Systems Administrator wrote: In order to keep the set of tapes consistant, the new tape should have the same label as the old tape. So I used the label DailySet107. 1. Connect on Amanda server, first as root, then change to the user amanda, with the command su. 2.

RE: Tapelist issue only using 3 tape out of a tapecycle of 10.

2005-10-05 Thread Scott R. Burns
Could your tapecycle be smaller now than when you labelled the tapes? I am not sure exactly the effect this would have but if it were reduced it may ignore the other tapes Scott... Scott R. Burns NETCON Technologies Incorporated Suite 135 - 4474 Blakie Road London, Ontario, Canada N6L 1G7 Vo