Hi In fact I have used both procedures but I had notes from a particular
url that had a list of the usual error and solutions.
My Amanda also reports that I need to use DailySet101 next Thus it's
back to normal.
As it did only cycle through DailySet108 - DailySet110.
Thanks for the advice.
Chuck Amadi Systems Administrator wrote:
In order to keep the set of tapes consistant, the new tape should have
the same label as the old tape. So I used the label DailySet107.
1. Connect on Amanda server, first as root, then change to the user
amanda, with the command su.
Could your tapecycle be smaller now than when you labelled the tapes? I am
not sure exactly the effect this would have but if it were reduced it may
ignore the other tapes
Scott R. Burns
NETCON Technologies Incorporated
Suite 135 - 4474 Blakie Road
London, Ontario, Canada
N6L 1G7