Hello, Vlad,

on 23.05.2005, 12:05 you wrote to amanda-users@amanda.org:

VP> 1)So IS  there a parameter to slow down the data stream to a constant
VP> level (in amanda.conf)  while flushing or not ?

There is the parameter "speed" but it is not currently used by AMANDA.

VP> 2)  I have the 8 shares(ftp-directories) mounted on several mount 
VP> points  (because of the virtual tape slots)   during all the  time.  If
VP> it is not necessary to have all "slots" mounted all over the time (is it
VP> ?) I'd try to have only the appropriate  vtape (one share a time )
VP> mounted.  After use I' d "eject (aka unmount the share) . I hope, I
VP> could get  more performance on the lufs filesystem by this way .

I don't know if the number of parallel lufs-mounts relates to
performance ... AFAIK it would not be necessary to have them all
mounted, only the vtape that is currently requested.
VP> Since I have only the ftp protocol as access to the backup server I have
VP> to use lufs or ftpfs( which is outdated and followed by lufs)

VP> Any (other) ideas to get my dumps on vtape  and maximise performance ?

Vlad, create an archive containing :

- your config-files (usually /usr/local/etc/amanda/<myconf>)
- the corresponding log-files (/usr/adm/amanda/<myconf>) and
- the debugfiles (/tmp/amanda)

and send it to me off-list.

Have you already tried to use the lufs-mount-option "--channels=X" ?

Best regards,
Stefan G. Weichinger.


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