
Disclaimer : I'm not actually using myself amanda, but am receiving lots
of reports of backups made with amanda by my sysadms.

I've developped a small Python tool (I named amandalogp) which tries to
parse the reports from amanda I receive by mail (for instance in a
procmail rule), and sends a colorized HTML version of that report (along
with the original report) to my mail addresse or other users'.

It can be used to "monitor" backup problems that could be related to a
specific set of machines, even if the logs are reporting many many

That helps identify the problems with your machines by directly jumpig
to red/orange parts of the report.

I don't know if such a tool existed already... But anyway, here it is ;)

To try it you'll need to stick to the CVS as I am modifying it from time
to time... but, it's still an in-house tool.

In the case someone would be interested, more details can be found at :

It's using Python and SimpleParse, and was tested on my Debian testing
system successfully ('til now).

Hope this helps,

Ingénieur Recherche - Dept INF
INT Evry (http://www.int-evry.fr)
OpenPGP-Id: 1024D/6B829EEC

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