Hello amanda-users,

I've been testing the the latest version 3.4.5 version and got som issues with 
amtapetype. I'm running on Solaris 11 Sparc
# /opt/sbin/amtapetype  -f /dev/rmt/2n
Checking for FSF_AFTER_FILEMARK requirement
amtapetype: Error setting FSF_AFTER_FILEMARK: Not allowed to set property at 
/opt/sbin/amtapetype line 430.
In the changer we define device_property "FSF_AFTER_FILEMARK" "TRUE" do I have 
to specify it ?

# mt -f /dev/rmt/2n status
HP Ultrium LTO 4 tape drive:
   sense key(0x0)= No Additional Sense   residual= 0   retries= 0
   file no= 1   block no= 0

Thanks Gunnar Gunnarsson

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