Sorry, wrong mailinglist address on the first try.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 3 Nov 2000 13:31:34 +0100 (CET)
From: Peter Schaffrath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Denise Ives <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: back to square 1

Hi Denise!

One point first: make sure you always reply to amanda-users,too. It
increases chances that somebody knows what to answer you. I'm definitely
not the most experienced one on the list. And it helps my mail filter to
sort your mail to the amanda folder... :-)

> Are you saying - any of the below example dumptypes from amanda.conf will
> work? Which one of these is the default dumptype to use?  
> define dumptype always-full {
>     global
>     comment "Full dump of this filesystem always"
>     compress none
>     priority high
>     dumpcycle 0
> }

As I said, this one won't do incrementals. "dumpcycle 0" is the code in
dumptypes that says: always do full dumps.

There are two locations where the dumptype entry may appear in
amanda.conf. One in general, at the beginning. It says, as the comment in
the example file states: "the number of days in the normal dump cycle". In
other words: it's the maximum number of days during full dumps. The number
you specify there is valid for all dumps, unless you specify something
else in a dumptype definition. This is a second possible location of a
dumpcycle statement, which is then only valid for the disk you use this
dumptype with (due to the entry in your disklist file).

I can't tell you which dumptype you should use. Just put together all
aspects you need in one dumptype and use this:
- never use "dumpcycle 0" if you want incremental dumps
- use "index yes" if you want to have amanda index what files are dumped
to which tape on which date (to use amrecover)
- choose wether you want compression or not
- if yes, chose if the date should be compressed on the client or the

I use quite simple dumptypes:

define dumptype global {
    comment "Global definitions"
    program "GNUTAR"
    index yes
    compress none
    holdingdisk no
That is I use gtar as the dump program, I want an index, I don't compress
the data and I do not have a holding disk.
Sometimes I use two other dumptypes:

define dumptype always-full {
    comment "Full dump of this filesystem always"
    dumpcycle 0
This has all the functions from my global dumptype but always does full

define dumptype sissi {
    exclude list "exclude-file"
This reads an exclude list from "exclude-file" on the client, all the
other settings are inherited from "global" again.

Hope this helped, Peter

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