I'd like to pick up where Luigi Rosa left off as my attempt to implement
CRM114 SpamAssassin plugin by mschutte also yielded the same mail header
result as Luigi:

   X-CRM114-Status: UNSURE (0.0)

Steps taken so far:

0.  amavisd-new version is 2.6.4 (20090625)

1.  tre-0.7.6 was compiled locally from sources ( using ./configure
--enable-static option)

2.  crm114-20090423-BlameSteveJobs (the latest stable release) was built
locally as well without problem, with the binary crm at /usr/bin/crm.

3.  Created /var/amavis/.crm114 directory (owned by amavis.amavis)

4.  Generated spam.css and nospam.css in .crm114 directory.
     sudo amavis -c 'cssutil -b -r spam.css'
     sudo amavis -c 'cssutil -b -r nonspam.css'

5.  cd /usr/local/crm114-20090423-BlameSteveJobs
    cp mailfilter.cf /var/amavis/.crm114/
    cp *.mfp         /var/amavis/.crm114/
    cp *.crm         /var/amavis/.crm114/
    cd /var/amavis/.crm114
    chown amavis.amavis *

    mailfilter.cf was left at default with no change.
    rewrites.mfp was modified:
        [[:space:]]postmaster-crm114>-> MyEmailName

6.  Created /var/amavis/.crm114/crm114.cf (also owned by amavis.amavis)
    Content same as Mark Martinec has it, the only difference in mine:

    crm114_command /usr/bin/crm -u /var/amavis/.crm114 mailreaver.crm

    to reflect where my crm binary is (instead of /usr/local/bin/crm)

7.  I have tried both, crm114 as a plugin of SpamAssassin and crm114
being used directly by amavisd (the latter with the added @spam_scanners
directive as documented in amavisd release note). 

    CRM114 as SA plugin: Cannot use --report_only in
/var/amavis/.crm114/ crm114.pm. Amavisd start up will log the following
    _WARN: crm114: Error. Failed to get CRM114-Status. At
/var/amavis/.crm114/crm114.pm line 848.

    If I just leave the default setup in crm114.pm (--stats_only) then
no CRM114 warning log to amavisd startup. In either case, the return
result from CRM114 is UNSURE (0.00)

    Executing "spamassassin -L -D crm114 --lint" as root returned
similar UNSURE result, though without error.

    CRM114 used directly by amavisd: Either --stats_only or
--report_only in crm114.pm does not produce amavisd startup
warning/error. With --report_only (in amavisd.conf, 'CRM114' section
within @spam_scanners) however, I'll get the following two headers info
instead of just one:

    X-CRM114-Status: UNSURE (0.00)
    X-CRM114-Notice: Please train this message

    /var/amavis/.crm114/reaver_cache directory with subfolders also get
created the first time CRM114 is triggged.

    Starting amavisd like this "amavisd -d noall,crm114" as suggested by
Mark did not yield more debugging info in the log file.

    After a 24 hour cycle, both spam.css and nonspam.css are at 13 MB.

I don't really know what to expect. Is UNSURE (0.00) status normal?
Since spam.css and nonspam.css were built from scratch, is this to be

And I am not sure how to "train" CRM114.

Any suggestion/help will be appreciated. Once this is dealt with, if an
issue, then Luigi can finish his crm114 howto for the benefits of


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