We are having problems with amavis checking RAR, LHA, ARC and ZOO files. Some debugging shows that it's barfing at the exec() in fh_copy(), called by store_mgr(), called by do_unrar() and buddies.

Evidence: (running amavis from command line, with debugging on)
Aug  7 22:11:05 mymailserver-mail amavis[27957]: Extracting mime components
Aug  7 22:11:05 mymailserver-mail amavis[27957]: Level: 1, parts: 2
Aug  7 22:11:05 mymailserver-mail amavis[27957]: Archive nesting depth: 0
Aug 7 22:11:05 mymailserver-mail amavis[27957]: File-type of msg-27957-1.txt: ASCII text
Aug  7 22:11:05 mymailserver-mail amavis[27957]: msg-27957-1.txt is atomic
Aug 7 22:11:05 mymailserver-mail amavis[27957]: File-type of msg-27957-2.rar: RAR archive data, v1d, os: Unix Aug 7 22:11:05 mymailserver-mail amavis[27957]: Expanding RAR archive msg-27957-2.rar Aug 7 22:11:05 mymailserver-mail amavis[27962]: Decoding of msg-27957-2.rar (RAR archive data, v1d, os: Unix) failed, leaving it unpacked: Insecure dependency in exec while running with -T switch at /root/amavis line 1073. (message-id=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)
Aug  7 22:11:05 mymailserver-mail amavis[27962]: msg-27957-2.rar is atomic
Aug  7 22:11:05 mymailserver-mail amavis[27962]: Using clamav
Aug 7 22:11:05 mymailserver-mail amavis[27962]: /var/amavis/amavis-09704957/parts/msg-27957-1.txt: OK
/var/amavis/amavis-09704957/parts/msg-27957-2.rar: RAR module failure
/var/amavis/amavis-09704957/parts/part-00001: Empty file

The problem seems to be that there is no detainting of the filenames derived from the archives, so Perl rightly dies when before it tries to exec something. Consider this: if there was a RAR file that had a compressed file called "MyDoc ; rm -rf /" (yes, can be done - tested something similar with an LHA file). This would be bad if not detainted.

Is this a bug with amavis? As far as I can tell, no RAR et al files are going to get through virus-free or not.

My makeshift patch was:
# diff amavis amavis.orig
<         do_log(0,"untainting $_");
<         if ($_ =~ /^([EMAIL PROTECTED])$/) {
<             $_ = $1;
<         } else {
<             die "Bad data in \"$_\"";      # log this somewhere
<         }

This works, until you get one of the nasty files mentioned above.

Our system:
OS: Mandrake Linux 10.0 Community
Amavis: 0.3.12 (hand-rolled, not RPM)
MTA: Postfix 2.1.5
AV: Clamav 0.86.2

BTW, first post, recent subscription, though I searched the mail archives, the FAQs, bug lists and google in general.


Tony Lewis

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