Hello Mark, hello Petr, hello list. 

A few days agao I came across this problem. I am afraidI am stuck, having 
looked through the READMES the archive and googled the problem. There 
doesn't seem to be a solution, that works for me. 

Any help or direction would be appreciated. 

Many thanks in advance.

I am running this on mysql-5.0.22 on a CentOS5 
Server. perl-DBD-MySQL-3.0007, amavisd-new-2.5.3, amavisd-milter-1.3.1, 

If it would help to have the debug_level at 5, I can provie that log as 

Many, many thanks

.peter (not a perl-wiz)

> Here's the relevant part of the log: 
> Jan  7 23:12:07 george3.eliot.priv.at /usr/sbin/amavisd[6313]: (06313) loaded 
> policy bank "SMTP_AUTH" over "AM.PDP-SOCK"
> Jan  7 23:12:07 george3.eliot.priv.at /usr/sbin/amavisd[6313]: (06313) 
> save_info_preliminary: rollback done
> Jan  7 23:12:07 george3.eliot.priv.at /usr/sbin/amavisd[6313]: (06313) 
> (!)WARN save_info_preliminary: sql exec: err=, , Insecure dependency in 
> parameter 2 of DBI::st=HASH(0xad9e7b0)->bind_param method call while running 
> with -T switch at (eval 77) line 167, <GEN11> line 13.

> Jan  7 23:12:15 george3.eliot.priv.at /usr/sbin/amavisd[6313]: (06313) 
> (!!)ERROR sql_storage: too many retries on storing preliminary, info not saved
> Jan  7 23:12:15 george3.eliot.priv.at /usr/sbin/amavisd[6313]: (06313) 
> Checking: nnxmHSsX+BJm AM.PDP-SOCK/SMTP_AUTH [] <[EMAIL 
> Jan  7 23:12:15 george3.eliot.priv.at /usr/sbin/amavisd[6313]: (06313) p001 1 
> Content-Type: text/plain, size: 10 B, name: 
> Jan  7 23:12:17 george3.eliot.priv.at /usr/sbin/amavisd[6313]: (06313) Passed 
> PROTECTED]> -> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Queue-ID: m07MC7ro006315, Message-ID: 
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, mail_id: nnxmHSsX+BJm, Hits: -, size: 574, 9211 ms
> Jan  7 23:12:17 george3.eliot.priv.at /usr/sbin/amavisd[6313]: (06313) 
> save_info_final: rollback done
> Jan  7 23:12:25 george3.eliot.priv.at /usr/sbin/amavisd[6313]: (06313) 
> (!)WARN save_info_final: sql exec: err=1452, S1000, DBD::mysql::st execute 
> failed: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails 
> (`mail/msgrcpt`, CONSTRAINT `msgrcpt_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`mail_id`) 
> REFERENCES `msgs` (`mail_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE) at (eval 77) line 169.
> Jan  7 23:12:25 george3.eliot.priv.at /usr/sbin/amavisd[6313]: (06313) 
> (!!)ERROR sql_storage: too many retries on storing final, info not saved
> Jan  7 23:12:25 george3.eliot.priv.at /usr/sbin/amavisd[6313]: (06313) mail 
> checking ended: version_server=2\nsetreply=250 2.5.0 
> Ok,%20id=06313,%20continue%20delivery\ninsheader=0 X-Virus-Scanned 
> amavisd-new%20at%20violine.at\nreturn_value=continue\nexit_code=0
> Jan  7 23:12:25 george3.eliot.priv.at /usr/sbin/amavisd[6313]: (06313) TIMING 
> [total 17244 ms] - got data: 0 (0%)0, sql-connect: 14 (0%)0, lookup_sql: 2 
> (0%)0, check_init: 1 (0%)0, digest_hdr: 1 (0%)0, digest_body: 0 (0%)0, 
> sql-enter: 8021 (47%)47, mkdir parts: 1 (0%)47, mime_decode: 11 (0%)47, 
> get-file-type1: 31 (0%)47, decompose_part: 2 (0%)47, parts_decode: 0 (0%)47, 
> check_header: 2 (0%)47, AV-scan-1: 3 (0%)47, AV-scan-2: 1103 (6%)53, 
> update_cache: 3 (0%)53, decide_mail_destiny: 2 (0%)53, prepare-dsn: 4 (0%)53, 
> main_log_entry: 11 (0%)53, sql-update: 8027 (47%)100, update_snmp: 2 (0%)100, 
> rundown: 2 (0%)100

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