On 8/9/19 4:39 PM, korsar...@gmail.com wrote:
> 1) ACE has no support at all, need to add it
> 2) gzip - gzip -d command changes original file names of extracted files,
> so amavis can't filter them. Lie you have "script.js" in "archive.gz" and
> after extraction you get "archive" file, not "sc
* korsar:
> 1) ACE has no support at all, need to add it
Not having seen ACE archives in the wild for more than 10 years, I don't
think so. Besides, to my knowledge ACE is a proprietary format with a
Windows focus and a license that does not permit including it in free
> 2) gzip - gzip
1) ACE has no support at all, need to add it
2) gzip - gzip -d command changes original file names of extracted files,
so amavis can't filter them. Lie you have "script.js" in "archive.gz" and
after extraction you get "archive" file, not "script.js". 7z, please.
3) bz2 - same as gzip
On 8/6/19 5:51 PM, Bob D wrote:
root@M1-2:~# grep -Fr '$sa_local_tests_only' /etc/amavis/conf.d
/etc/amavis/conf.d/20-debian_defaults:$sa_local_tests_only = 0; #
only tests which do not require internet access?
I assume 0 = false
This one was in a bunch in today,
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