De: "Brian Goetz" <> 
À: "Remi Forax" <> 
Cc: "amber-spec-experts" <> 
Envoyé: Samedi 13 Mars 2021 02:41:58 
Objet: Re: [External] : Re: Looking ahead: pattern assignment 



Minimally, we have to align the semantics of local variable declaration with 
assignment with that of pattern matching; `T t = e` should have the same 
semantics whether we view it as a local declaration plus assignment, or a 
pattern match. This means that we have to, minimally, align the 
assignment-context conversions in JLS 5. (If we wish to support patterns in 
method/lambda formals, we also have to align the method-invocation context 

More questions, 
About the conversions, you means the conversions with the top-level type of the 
pattern, or conversions with the sub-patterns too ? 


What I mean is that if I have a method 

void m(Integer x) { } 

and I call m(1), then today we do an boxing conversion because boxing is one of 
the conversions we do in method invocation context. If we want to interpret 
this as a pattern match, we should get the same answer, which means we need to 
define what conversions we apply to the parameter when the parameter pattern 
has a certain target type, and that has to align with existing invocation 
context conversions. 

What is not clear to me is are you proposing those conversion to be applied on 
the target type of the pattern or even on the target type of the sub patterns. 

But perhaps it's a more general question for the deconstruction pattern, if we 
do not use 'var' 
case Point(Type1 x, Type2 y): ... 
what are the possible types for Type1 and Type2 given that Point is declared as 
Point(DeclaredType1 x, DeclaredType2 y). 
Do Type1 has to be DeclaredType1 (resp. Type2 == DeclaredType2) or do some 
conversions are allowed ? 



For lambda formals, there is a syntax question, do we support a syntax without 
parenthesis if there are only one argument ? 
Point(var x, var y) -> ... 


No for now; ask me again in two years ;) 


For methods and lambda formals, does the top-level pattern as to have a binding 
Like in your examples 
void m(Point(var x, var y) p) { ... } 
or can we avoid it 
void m(Point(var x, var y)) { ... } 


Today, yes, because method parameters need names. Tomorrow, when we allow 
method parameters to be elided via _, we might consider allowing omitting the 
parameter binding, but we might also just require it to be _. 

Given that you can get the parameter names by reflection, requiring '_' may not 
be a bad idea. 
This lead to another question, should we consider using a Pattern declared 
inside a method declaration only as syntactic sugar or should the notation 
reflected in an attribute of the method accessible by reflection ? 



For classical assignment, enhanced for loop, try-with-resources and lambda 
formals we can have inference, do we have inference with patterns ? 
- assignment 
(var x, var y) = aPoint; 


That's not a pattern :) 

Point(var x, var y) = aPoint 

is a pattern. In this case, we can infer what type x and y have based on the 
declaration of the selected deconstructor. 

It's an alternative syntax to the deconstruction pattern, usual deconstruction 
pattern is 
Type(pattern1, pattern2, ...) 
The alternative syntax is 
(pattern1, pattern2, ...) 
and the type is found by type inference. 

This may be important to explore that now because the syntax may clash with the 
parenthesized pattern because 
can be seen as both. 



- enhanced loop 
for((var x, var y) : aListOfPoints) { ... } 
- try-with-resources 
try((var x, var y): aClosablePoint) { ... } 
- lambdas formals 
Consumer<Point> consumer = ((var x, var y)) -> ... 


Same "not a pattern" comment. 


Also should we support the parenthesized pattern and the AND pattern in those 
contexts ? 


The key criteria is totality. In practicality that means unguarded type and 
deconstruction patterns. 

And the pattern method if we allow some pattern methods to be declared as 


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