Hi! I learned that each pipe can manage multiple hardware queues from the
previous discussion:
https://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/amd-gfx/2018-February/019034.html .
And I had a few questions about the details.
I was wondering that how a pipe switches between the hardware queues belong
to it:
1. Dose the pipe process a queue continuously until the queue is empty? Or
Dose it use round-robin with time-sharing between those hardware queues?
2. If the former, is it possible that some hardware queues suffer from
3. The previous discussion said that, at the same time, only one kernel can
be running on each pipe.  If the pipe used round-robin,  did it incur
the "compute
wave save/restore"(CWSR) when the pipe switch from a hardware queue that
has a running kernel to another hardware queue?
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