Hello All,

I am trying to convert this code to AB.

[LegacyColorValue = true];

Input: LongLeg(35), ShortLeg(5), MultiLeg(10), MultiW(1);
Var: SyncShort(0), SyncLong(0), SyncMulti(0);
Var: TempSyncS(0), TempSyncL(0), TempSyncM(0), MultiOsc(0);
Var: LongWeight(0), ShortWeight(0), MultiWeight(0), MultiHigh(0),
var: DateLock(980116);

ShortWeight = 2/(ShortLeg  + 1);
LongWeight = 2/(LongLeg + 1);

if TempSyncS = 0 then Begin
    SyncShort = Close;
    SyncLong = Close;
Else Begin
    SyncShort = TempSyncS * (1 - ShortWeight) + (ShortWeight * Close);
    SyncLong = TempSyncL * (1 - LongWeight) + (LongWeight * Close);

TempSyncS = SyncShort;
TempSyncL = SyncLong;

MultiOsc = (100 * ( (SyncShort / SyncLong) - 1) );
plot1(MultiOsc, "MO");

MultiWeight = 2/(MultiLeg  + 1);

if TempSyncM = 0 then
    SyncMulti = MultiOsc
    SyncMulti = (AbsValue(TempSyncM) * (1 - MultiWeight)) + (MultiWeight
* MultiOsc);

TempSyncM = SyncMulti;

MultiHigh = SyncMulti * MultiW;
MultiLow = -1 * MultiHigh;


Print("MO:", MultiOsc, "   MH: ", MultiHigh, "  ML: ", MultiLow);

The code that I have come up with in AB is this, which executes without

_SECTION_BEGIN("Rubber Band Indicator");
LongLeg = Param( "LongLeg", 35, 1, 200, 1 );
ShortLeg = Param( "ShortLeg", 5, 1, 200, 1 );
MultiLeg = Param( "MultiLeg", 10, 1, 200, 1 );
MultiW = Param( "MultiW", .5, 0, 10, .5 );

ShortWeight = 2 / ( ShortLeg + 1 );
LongWeight = 2 / ( LongLeg + 1 );

SyncShort = C;
SyncLong = C;

SyncShort = Ref( SyncShort, -1 ) * (1 - ShortWeight) + (ShortWeight *
SyncLong = Ref( SyncLong, -1 ) * (1 - LongWeight) + (LongWeight * C);

MultiOsc = (100 * ( (SyncShort / SyncLong) - 1) );

Plot( MultiOsc, "MO", ParamColor( "MultiOsc Color", colorBlue ),
ParamStyle("Style")  );

MultiWeight = 2/(MultiLeg  + 1);

TempSyncM = MultiOsc;

SyncMulti = (abs(TempSyncM) * (1 - MultiWeight)) + (MultiWeight * Ref(
MultiOsc, -1 ));
/*TempSyncM = SyncMulti;*/

MultiHigh = SyncMulti * MultiW;
MultiLow = -1 * MultiHigh;

Plot( MultiHigh, "MH", ParamColor( "Multi Color", colorBlack ),
ParamStyle("Style") );
Plot( MultiLow, "ML", ParamColor( "Multi Color", colorBlack ),
ParamStyle("Style") );

The difficulty is that while the indicator is similar, it is not
displaying as it should.  Whereas the original plot is smooth and useful
the one that results in AB is full of noise and useless.

I am sure that the issue is coming up in the array processing aspects of
AB.  There is nothing wrong with AB, I just am not using the proper
syntax to accomplish what needs to be done correctly.

I would attach screenshots of the indicator as it should be and as it is
showing up in AB, but I do not know how to do that with these groups.

Please if someone could help me out I would appreciate it greatly.  I
have converted the code to TradingSolutions and it works fine there.  If
it would be of any use I could also post the formulas that I used for

Thanks in advance,


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