I am trying to create a file that will show trades on dates from an 
input file. The program almost works but the entire array either has 
0 or 1. Scan does not output anything. It appears that Buy is an 
integer rather then an array. What I mean is when I plot Buy it is a 
flat line, 1 if the condition is true, 0 if not when I move the 
cursor over the buy dates. I expected to see spikes where buy is true 
and 0 if not. What is wrong?

Thanks in advance,

// Plot dates for Druster signals

function ifDate(num)
        Cond = 0;
        fh = fopen( "C:\\Program 
Files\\AmiBroker\\TradeDates\\DrusterBuyDates.csv", "r"); 
        if( fh ) 
                while( ! feof( fh ) AND Cond == 0) 
                        data = fgets( fh );  
                        mm = StrToNum(StrLeft(data ,2));
                        dd = StrToNum(StrMid(data ,3,2));
                        yy = StrToNum(StrRight(data ,2));
                        if (yy < 20)
                                yy = 2000 + yy;
                                yy = 1900 + yy;
                        dNum = (10000 * (yy - 1900)) + (100 * mm) + 
                        if(dNum == num)
                                Cond = 1;
                fclose( fh );
                printf("Error opening read file");
        return Cond;

//Buy = ifDate(SelectedValue(DateNum())); 
// NOTE the above and following line produce the same results.

Buy = IIf(ifDate(SelectedValue(DateNum())), 1, 0);
Plot(Buy, "Buy", colorGreen);
Plot(DateNum(), "DateNum", colorRed, styleOwnScale | styleNoLine | 
Filter = Buy;

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