I want use Advanced get wýth intraday data.. Aget EOD data format is DATE-O-L-C-V
When ý export to txt database data is DATE-TÝME-O-L-H-C-V date is not imported..but must be choronolocical and mm/dd/yy format.. begin date not imported, First date can be 12/12/1905 but must be choronolocical .. As you know for one date in the date column there are several time data in the time column. So, when I transfer this data to to the advencedget program, it does not accept for one date and several time data. For my purpose, the real date is not important so for solving the problem, I would like to assign different dates in chronogical order for each time data of a day. For example: The original data is: Date Time 25.04. 08 08.00 25.04.08 09:00 25.04.08: 10:00 25.04.08 08:00 What I would like to do is like that: Date Time 25.0408 26.04.08 27.04.08 28.04.08 Do you think that there is way to do this? Thanks in advance,