Many would like you to believe that the path to success in trading is an easy 
one. The fact of the matter is that most traders who go it alone without any 
professional guidance fail. Even though that is a well-known fact, many still 
choose to figure this out the hard way.

Learning to trade is much like learning how to ski. Lesson 1: "Learning How to 
Fall." Here are just a few of the many invaluable lessons and general pitfalls 
that that Richard has learned trading professionally over the past 12 years.

Richard Regan’s TOP 10 RULES TO TRADING
  1.. Always have a maximum daily loss limit... And stick to it
  2.. Always have a max loss on each position... And stick to it
  3.. Never add to losing trades
  4.. Risk/Reward Ratio is more important than Win Ratio
  5.. Learn to trade WITH the trend successfully before attempting counter 
trend trading
  6.. Define your trading rules and have the discipline to follow them
  7.. Avoid falling into the trap of believing that 1 technical indicator will 
make you rich
  8.. Stay objective and keep your emotions out of trading
  9.. Know when to employ your strategy and when to sit on the sidelines
  10.. Seek professional guidance in your quest for trading success


Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Trading in 
the Foreign Exchange or Futures markets involves a significant and substantial 
risk of loss and may not be suitable for everyone. You should carefully 
consider whether trading is suitable for you in light of your age, income, 
personal circumstances, trading knowledge, and financial resources. You should 
only trade with money you can afford to lose. There is no guarantee that you 
will profit from your trading activity and it is possible that you may lose all 
or some of your investment.


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