Jim FB on the local qso's on 6AM. The stories about 50.400 getting busy as
29.600 are true , it takes a lot of patience and persistence. You have the
right idea always call CQ ,keep an eye on ch 2 TV for signs of a band
opening.Another good indicator is the 50Mhz prop logger. Within the last
month i have worked about 50-60 stations, most good openings are in the 6-10
pm time frame here   in Texas. 2 weeks ago i was there at the right time
worked 27 stations in a row ranging from the Midwest to NC SC PA TN KY Etc.
Some of the stations were using as little as 2-3 Watts  even a couple of
Heathkit Sixers. Sporadic E openings can happen at any time  this season i
had a nice Qso with K6LGL at 11pm
one night we talked for quite a while we were both using less than 50 watts.
It would be great to work you sometime on tropo if i remember you are
located near Austin.  I am about 60 miles South of Houston near the coast in
If you like pass along your number and when the conditions are right for a
possible contact i can call you.

My G50 also runs pretty hot.

73  Steve WB5UGT
EL 29   AMI #  807

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jim candela" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Amradio@Mailman.Qth.Net" <amradio@mailman.qth.net>
Sent: Saturday, August 02, 2003 3:36 PM
Subject: [AMRadio] Six Meters AM and a Gonset G50 question

> I have made a few local AM contacts on 50.4 AM with good success. I can
> 20+ miles with S9 reports both ways with a guy with a 3 element beam, and
> watts. I run about 25 watts output. I am using a ku4ab square loop at
> 25'. Last night 6 was hot, and I could hear SSB, and CW from several
> At one point the guys were complaining of too much QRM, and wall to wall
> signals. Move up to 50.4, and nothing heard. I put out several CQ's on AM,
> and no responses. When do the AMers on six meters get on? So far I hear
> mostly baby monitors, old style cordless phones, DSL spurs, HDTV spurs,
> computer spurs, and only an occasional local AMer. I've heard stories of
> 50.4 can get packed like 29.6 FM does. So far I have not had the
> :(
> I have a G50 question. Does the power transformer in the G50 get
> uncomfortably hot to the touch? Mine does. I have turned down the 6L6 idle
> current in receive (and boost it during receive). That helped a little. I
> use a variac set to 117 vac. That transformer is hot in about 15 minutes
> receiving after turn on. I notice the interleaving of the core is poor,
> I am afraid I may have a shorted turn, or maybe these just use cheap lossy
> iron. With 117 vac in, my DVM shows 390-0-390 from the HV winding. I am
> afraid to leave my G50 on (squelched) waiting for someone to pop a signal
> 50.4 Mhz.
> Listening to SSB on the G50 using the VFO spot feature is not too good. I
> played with my audio generator (goes to 455 kc) and put a two turn coil
> around the G50 last IF tube. That works pretty good if you set the level
> about 20 over 9 on the S-Meter. Looks like I need a BFO to be made up.
> Any thoughts about the hot biscuit transformer?
> Jim Candela
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