Ed Hare, W1RFI, the ARRL's Lab Supervisor, will be spaeking at the
Sussex County Hamfest this Sunday, July 13th. Ed  will be discussing the
important topic of Broadband PLC or Broadband Power Line Communications
which is being pushed by various industry lobby groups to the FCC. If
enacted, the potential for wideband interference to the HF and VHF
spectrum is very real. Please read the articles on the ARRL web page and
QST as well. The threat to amateur radio is very great and we need to
get informed as well as letting the FCC know the harm PLC can due to the
HF spectrum. Info on the hamfest location can be found at:

73, Bill Hudzik W2UDT SM NNJ

ARRL Northern New Jersey Section
Section Manager: William W. Hudzik, W2UDT

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