> Here's a quick summary of some of the hamfests in
> this
> area lately. First, I'll cover the ones I heard
> about
> but did not go to--Warren, Ohio and Uniontown, PA. I
> was told that both hamfests had few sellers.
> Uniontown
> apparently had just 5 people selling. Warren was
> supposed to be "2 short rows of cars in the flea
> market". Uniontown which usually attracts 25-35
> sellers may have been a fluke because the weather
> was
> bad (it poured down rain all morning), and
> construction in that area required bizarre detours
> to
> get to the W3PIE club site. I don't know much else
> to
> say about Warren--was anyone there who can tell us
> more?
> Two hamfests that I did attend were Skyview on 8/27
> and yesterday's Butler hamfest at the Butler County
> Farm Show Grounds. Skyview is always small and no
> less
> so this time. I sold and bought almost nothing. It
> rained and I left early. Skyview has the prettiest
> site for a hamfest that I have ever been to--on a
> secluded PA hilltop that is actually easy to get to.
> Better yet, the club has had an infusion of new
> blood
> and they have remodeled the club house and ground
> out
> the 18 stumps that used to make flea marketing
> hazardous to your oil pan. The place looked better
> than ever--and it always looked pretty good.
> The Butler Hamfest is one of the 2 largest in this
> area and also the ARRL WPA Section Convention. They
> have a great location and have kept prices
> reasonable--$5 per person to get in and $5 for a
> flea
> market space. Excellent, real food is provided by
> the
> Ellwood City ARA--a rarity for hamfests in my
> experience. 
> Seller attendance seemed low to me. Only one third
> of
> the flea market area was occupied and about two
> thirds
> of the large farm buildings was occupied. It was
> almost cold in the morning and low clouds hovered
> overhead early. But the threatening weather
> dissipated
> and by 11AM I had to use my sun screen.
> Lots of boatanchors:
> Ranger 1: $350
> Drake C line, gorgeous and all tricked out--$650
> Johnson matchboxes, didn't ask
> Hammarlund HXL-One $450
> Hammarlund HQ-140, didn't ask
> National HRO-50, rackmount with 2 coils, $175
> Homebrew linear with single 250TH, no PS or rack:
> $80
> NC-300's--several, all fair to poor, One had the
> speaker, $125 each
> Hallicrafters HT-41 amp, didn't ask
> Multi-Elmac AF-68/PMR-8/PS set. $250 sold. The buyer
> walked away without the receiver and never came
> back.
> I saw him later and told him they were looking for
> him
> to give him the receiver so they finally connected. 
> DX-100, nice, $150
> Tek 1Ghz scopes, $400 each
> HP counters, didn't ask
> Hallicrafters S-122 with matching
> speaker--beautiful,
> $160
> 20A Variacs, in pairs in racks, $50 a pair--looked
> worth it
> Heathkit 1680/81 set, didn't ask
> Various Lafayette and Allied receivers and
> transceivers, 190, 350, etc., didn't ask
> Globe Scout with bad aluminum oxide on front panel,
> $65
> Much more that I am forgetting.
> I bought a cool 1930's 3-rack panel transmitter that
> at first I thought was homebrew. But now looking at
> it
> closely, it must be commercial or a kit. The PS
> section is missing and it has a second RF deck that
> doesn't belong. I will get some pictures and ask for
> your help later in identifying the beast.
> I also bought a beautifully restored RBH-2 receiver.
> I
> am a sucker for these NC-100A type radios and
> couldn't
> pass it up. I am replacing my RAO with it.
> An HP 8640B signal generator with manuals also
> followed me home. I've wanted one for a long time.
> It
> will replace my trusty HP 606A which is for sale if
> anyone wants a really big, really good signal
> generator. I hope the 8640B is as reliable as the
> 606A
> has been.
> Finally, I also bought a Tek 7603 scope with 5
> working
> plug-ins, one parts plug-in and manuals for $100. I
> have bought stuff from this guy before and I trust
> him, otherwise I would not have bought it.
> Unfortunately, on the way home, something must have
> bumped into it and the power switch was smashed to
> pieces. So now I'm looking for a replacement. How
> stupid is that??
> Local Ohioan AMer Mark Foltarz was there with his VW
> bus mounting a Corvair engine, full of cables, coils
> and small stuff, plus the aforementioned HRO-50 and
> homebrew 250TH amp. Local sometime-Collins net host
> Rich Sperling showed up and took some ribbing for
> his
> 15 minutes of fame in Electric Radio recently. Bob
> and
> Bob, Pittsburgh's long-time father and son tube
> buying
> team, were relentlessly stalking the flea market as
> usual. They started out in the jukebox business
> years
> ago, but I think their business is selling tubes to
> the audiophool crowd these days. Brian Roberts was
> there selling parts and tubes from Ed Mantick's
> collection. Ed, N3GWE, is a top-flight AM
> homebrewer--two of my homebrew rack transmitters
> were
> built by Ed. He used to be at all these hamfests but
> very sadly, he has severe macular degeneration and
> is
> going blind. I saw several other old reliable AMer's
> roaming the flea market including Bob Sova. But I
> also
> noticed quite a few missing--at Gaithersburg,
> perhaps?
> All in all it was a nice day and good hamfest. I
> just
> wish I hadn't busted that switch on the 7603.
> 73, Don Merz, N3RHT

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