It is very sad to confirm this.  In fact I was among the very first to note
the silence of VO52 and I notified Mani a few days ago. A bird meant for a
year and lasting for a decade speaks of ISRO'S brilliance in SAT designs
and launches. I would prefer to laud ISRO for this 10 yr gift rather than
get sad about this inevitable loss. Once again I thank ISRO for having
given me endless joys of going Digital with it and which I could not with
other birds.
On 21 Jul 2014 20:35, "'Mani [VU2WMY/KJ6LRS]' [amsatindia]"
<> wrote:

>  Dear Friends,
> With heavy heart, I sadly convey, that our little angel ‘HAMSAT VO-52’
> would no more be able to offer her services to the ‘Amateur Radio
> Fraternity. HAMSAT VO-52 succumbed in Space on 11th July 2014, while she
> was on her 49,675th orbit, due to the failure of on-board lithium ion
> batteries that have met their end of life.
> Although her desires were to be at work with other systems and sub-systems
> working normal as per the latest telemetry received, the on-board computer
> recurring to ‘Reset’ mode due to the failure of batteries is preventing her
> to do so.  Hence, it is decided not to expect any more meaningful and
> reliable services from HAMSAT VO-52.
> Since 11th July, every best possible effort has been put in by the
> spacecraft controllers here in ISTRAC Bangalore to revive her back to life
> and to help her with work load, so she won’t be swamped when she returns,
> but with no luck.  Though it is hard, the HAMSAT VO-52 designers and
> controllers insist that the time has come to let the little angel free in
> space to go drifting on her own from their care and custody.
> Thus, today 21st July 2014, ISRO have decommissioned 'HAMSAT-VO52'
> officially.
> We all here in ISRO do definitely hope that ‘HAMSAT VO-52’ worked
> tirelessly and was a good friend to the ‘Amateur Radio Fraternity’ around
> the World. We are sure that HAMSAT was loved by all who worked through her.
> Though, we are deeply saddened by the loss of HAMSAT VO-52, but she will
> never be forgotten and far from our hearts, minds and memories.
> HAMSAT VO-52 will always be remembered by all of us here in ISRO as one of
> the greatest satellites of ours.
> Dear ‘HAMSAT’, looking at the sky, we all say ‘Good Bye’ to you. You’ll be
> greatly missed. Rest in Peace.
> Nevertheless, at this point of time, on behalf of the World Amateur Radio
> Fraternity, we thank each and everyone who contributed to the great success
> of ‘HAMSAT’.
> Particularly, our sincere thanks to the Chairman ISRO, Dr. K.
> Radhakrishnan, past chairmen Dr. Kasthurirangan, Dr. G. Madhavan Nair,
> Director-ISAC Dr. S.K.Shiva Kumar, past ISAC Directors Dr. P.S. Goel, Dr.
> Shankara, Dr. T.K. Alex, Director-ISTRAC Shri. B.S. Chandrasekhar,
> scientific secretary Dr. Koteshwar Rao, Project Director-Shri. J.P. Gupta,
> Deputy project Directors, Mission Director-Shri. R.Suresh, Operations
> Director-Shri. Parimalarangan and each and every person directly or
> in-directly contributed.
> At this point of time, we also thank AMSAT-India and in particular, late
> Shri. Nagesh Upadhyaya-VU2NUD,  Shri. B.S. Gajendra Kumar-VU2BGS, Shri.
> Prathap Kumar-VU2POP, Air Commodore. Subramanian-VU2UV, Shri.  V.P.
> Sandlas-VU2VP, Dr.R. Ramesh-VU2RMS, Shri. Nitin-VU3TYG, Mr. Williams
> Leijenaar PE1RAH and each and every member.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Pasted below is the message from Mr. R. Suresh, Mission Director:
> HAMSAT, the first small satellite by ISRO has been Decommissioned after
> nearly a decade of service to the World Ham community.
> A true masterpiece among small satellites, designed for one year mission
> life, but exceeded all expectations by serving for almost 10 years. A truly
> autonomous satellite, with “Zero maintenance“ in terms of Mission
> operations, it provided a springboard to test many new concepts such as
> BMU. LI-ion based power system, automatic Spin rate control and Auto SAOC
> for maintaining the Satellite attitude without any ground commanding.
>   HAMSAT known as “OSCAR-52” among the Amateur HAM operators has been very
> popular because of its high sensitivity receiver and strong transmitter.
> Indian Radio Amateurs on many occasions conveyed to us that they have been
> greatly honored to share the adulations showered on ISRO and INDIA by the
> International Radio Amateur for gifting this wonderful satellite "HAMSAT".
> I take this opportunity to applaud the HAMSAT teams at ISAC, ISTRAC and
> other centre for their efforts and  support, which has made ISRO proud
> among the HAM users across the globe.
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Mani [VU2WMY/KJ6LRS]
> Secretary & Station-In-Charge
> Upagrah Amateur Radio Club VU2URC
> ISRO Satellite Centre
> HAL Airport Road, Bangalore-560 017.
> Phone:(Office)91-80-25082598/25082054/25082192
> Mobile:  91-9880 341 456
> E-mail ID:
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> contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original
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