It was a 90 degree day in Ohio but it was comfortable
operating from the truck with the air conditioning running.

I arrived near the 4 corner grid square boundary near Burbank
Ohio just before a 3 degree AO-7 pass.  I set up in EN91 but
was only able to hear DG1EA.  The horizon was a little higher
than 3 degrees!  An AO-51 eastern pass followed and 5 stations
were worked from the same spot in EN91.

The next AO-27 pass around 1934z was worked from the EN80/EN81
grid boundary on Cemetery Road just west of the EN91/90 line.
Twelve stations were worked on that pass and another four on
the FO-29 pass that followed.

I decided to check out another grid boundary line on SR42.  It
wasn't a great location because 42 is a fast road and I was
just barely able to get off the road.  Sixteen contacts were
quickly made on AO-51 and I went back to the original location.

On the way back I stopped at a clear spot in EN81 and worked
several stations on FO-29 including KO4MA.

The last AO-51 pass was quite busy.  Eleven stations were worked
including KI6WZU who was attempting his first satellite
qso.  His card is on the way.  Congratulations Jay!

All in all it was a good trip.  Anyone needing a card can just drop
an email to my address.  I already have sent cards for XE1AO,
AC0RA, CO6CBF and KI6WZU.  I know others said they wanted the card but that's
all I could find notes for.  No need to send a card, just an email
request will do.

John K8YSE

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