[amsat-bb] Echo Madness

2011-03-30 Thread Ron Settle
Having been on the bird on the night the recording was made (yes you can hear my feeble call sign in there a couple of times) I have to say, it was no worse than 40 meters earlier in the day with the WPX SSB contest going on. The whistles were a bit over the top. I am new to the satellites ( 3

[amsat-bb] -={Echo Madness}=-

2011-03-29 Thread Kevin Deane
I was hoping to get some feedback from you guys. I have only been operating for a short time and had some hicup's along the way. I found some recordings of when I first started...There were some I could not hear the bird, and the very first ones were pretty funny. I got some schooling on my

[amsat-bb] echo madness

2011-03-29 Thread graham mcphee
to Kevin Deane and others If the QRM on the sats is too much for you people to take in the northern hemi just move to beautiful Australia or shaky New Zealand where at the most that we get on AO51 in the evening is no more than six or seven and we have a round table discussion, not chasing grid