Revised requirements for the Amateur and Amateur Satellite Services are now 
available on the IARU website at 

Of interest to the Amateur Satellite community are: 

3.10 50–54 MHz The Amateur Service requires retention of the exclusive 50-MHz 
allocation where it now exists, and provision of an allocation of at least 2 
MHz in other geographic areas, with at least 500 kHz on an exclusive basis. A 
harmonised allocation for the Amateur Satellite Service is also sought, to 
bridge the gap between 28 MHz and 144 MHz. 

3.12 420-450 MHz The Amateur Service requires retention of the existing 
allocations in the 420-450 MHz band and opposes new uses by other services or 
low-power devices except where sharing or compatibility studies have been 
satisfactorily concluded. 

The Amateur-Satellite Service relies heavily on the sub-band 435-438 MHz, which 
presently is the only space-to-Earth amateur allocation between 146 MHz and 2.4 
GHz. Because of the crowding of the existing band 435-438 MHz with unmanned 
amateur satellites and manned space stations, it is desirable to study 
expansion of the band. 

Sharing in this band with the Radiolocation Service has been successful over 
many decades because of geographic separation and other factors. Recently, in 
the United States there has been interference from amateur stations to 
radiolocation stations, which has been resolved on a case-by-case basis by 
mitigation techniques or by taking amateur repeaters off the air. 

A growing concern to the Amateur Service is the proliferation of low power 
devices in the ISM band 433.05-434.79 MHz (centre frequency 433.92 MHz) 
permitted in some European countries under RR No. 5.280.

3.13 1240-1300 MHz 
The Amateur Service seeks retention of the band 1240-1300 MHz. The 
Amateur-Satellite Service seeks retention of the band 1260-1270 MHz and 
deletion of the "Earth-to-space only" restriction. 

WRC-2000 allocated the band 1240-1300 MHz to the radiodetermination-satellite 
service for space-to-space use. In addition, WRC-2000 allocated the band 
1260-1300 MHz to the radiodetermination-satellite service for space-to-Earth 
use such as for the European Galileo positioning system. These actions do not 
change the Amateur and Amateur-Satellite Service allocations but present new 
sharing situations and potential operating restrictions.

It is particularly good to see the inclusive of an Amateur Satellite Service 
allocation at 50 MHz. 

Hopeful satellite users and AMSAT organisations will continuing working through 
their National Societies 

I sure we could all think of some other "it would be nice to have" allocations 
for the Amateur Satellite Service such as 1240-1250 and 2390-2400 but achieving 
the above is a good first step. 

73 Trevor M5AKA
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