So the general opinion on here and from some people across the world is that 
using the BBS ruins the pass for basicly everyone in the footprint. Well after 
my friend in Reno could not get a message on while I was on the BBS and myself 
while he was on it, I can see the truth of the matter is clear. I am new to 
radio and Packet/APRS, learning and having fun.
I will just have fun blastin away at the message board and hope to catch 
someone at there keyboard. I do sympathize with anyone who was not able to get 
on while I was getting messages from actual people that helped me get started 
with Packet in France and the Czech Republic.
I will stay off the BBS, unless in the future if I find someone who wishes to 
have a Digi Qsl via ISS BBS who is outside my footprint, then at least I will 
KNOW I am being selfish and will enjoy hogging the ISS only just a little bit 
less now. 


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