As mentioned previously, the LISATS repeater on 146.940 does a good job of
re-transmitting audio during a launch. I believe they come on an hour or two
before launch time, and it's a great place to listen.

Also give a holler on our 442.400 repeater  we are south
of KSC in Melbourne, but have reasonable coverage up that way, especially if
you have a mobile radio. HT's should work OK, but will probably be spotty,
although we have had people check in from the Canaveral National Seashore
with HT's with no problem. We also re transmit some launch audio, but on an
informal basis. Echo/IRLP is available as well.

A good repeater list is at  search
for Brevard County. An incomplete list is at

That way you can have someone to talk to while sitting in  the traffic that
is likely to ensue!

Sent via Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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