
Are you working the sats with a single T7H?  If so, how are you getting it
to uplink and downlink on different bands?

I really love my T7H for repeater and simplex work.  For sats, I currently
only use it for RX and use a 2M mobile for TX.  I'd love to consolidate to a
more portable setup.

73 de AJ4MJ

On Sun, May 17, 2009 at 11:53 PM, Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK) <> wrote:

> Hi!
> Dayton was, once again, a fun time.  I was here in 2006, and this
> year was so much better.  I tried to keep track of satellite operators
> who I worked over the past 3+ years and met over this weekend by taking
> photos of them, but I lost count of the number I met and talked with
> here (this is *not* a bad thing).  AMSAT's events were great!  I mixed
> in some operating this weekend, between Friday and today, and in all of
> that trying to test my new DJ-G7T HT.  I previously posted a message
> with my initial observations on that HT Friday night, and I'll add a
> little (very little) to that here...
> After the HamVention closed this afternoon, I had planned on working
> some satellite passes with my new DJ-G7T HT after dropping stuff of
> at my motel room.  A western AO-27 pass was about to come by, and I
> went to the Indiana/Ohio state line a couple of blocks from my motel
> (I stayed in Richmond IN, not in Dayton, for this trip).  In the
> process of setting things up on a side road near the I-70/US-40
> interchange, I pressed buttons on the HT in the band scope mode and
> I could not decipher how to get out of that mode from a quick read of
> the manual.  I decided to set the radio aside, and worked the pass
> using my IC-T7H HT I had also brought out there.  After that, I
> did a full reset of the HT, and figured I could try it again later.
> After that AO-27 pass, I tried to retrace some of my 2006 post-Dayton
> road trip to grid boundaries.  I went northeast of Dayton, trying to
> reach the EM79/EM89/EN70/EN80 boundary for one or two SO-50 passes.
> This time, I could not get to that spot on the highway's right-of-way.
> I crossed the road to get a clearer view of the sky, still on the
> EM79xx/EN70xa line only a few feet/meters west of the 4-grid
> intersection.  :-(  I set up for the first SO-50 pass, and this time I
> accidentally pressed buttons on the DJ-G7T to put it into another
> undesired mode - using a normal repeater offset on my uplink VFO.  At
> this point, I swapped radios and worked the pass using my IC-T7H again
> for 4 QSOs.  I decided not to fight the radio, and spend time parked or
> standing along a highway to reread the manual trying to sort the radio
> out.  I'll do more testing with the new HT at home in the next few days,
> while I try to get that speaker/mic cable so I can run full-duplex
> without feedback.
> After that SO-50 pass, I decided to work my way west, heading back
> to the Indiana/Ohio state line and stopping for the later SO-50 pass.
> I was able to get on from the EM79vx/EN70va line, working 7 stations
> before the satellite went out of range.  Then, the drive back to
> Richmond IN and the motel for the night.  I flew into Indianapolis
> Thursday, and will return there tomorrow for my flight home.
> Again, thanks to AMSAT for a great banquet and Saturday forum.  Being
> around other hams that share this corner of our hobby made this a
> great weekend, and putting a few QSOs in my satellite log from 3
> different locations over the past couple of days was a nice bonus.
> I'll take more time working with the new HT over the next few days,
> and especially during the upcoming long weekend.  If anyone worked
> WD9EWK this weekend and wants to get a QSL card from me, please
> e-mail me the QSO information and I'll check that against my log.
> If you are in my log, I'll send you a card - no need to send me a
> card or SASE.  I will need to prepare cards for those locations, and
> I'm thinking about how to do a nice card in particular for the QSOs
> I made at the Indiana/Ohio state line.  And, yes, I'm still having
> fun...
> 73!
> Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK - currently at Richmond IN, west of Dayton
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