My system received 5 frames of Telemetry and 2 Frames of Kursk - 
while I was sleeping!

Yeah, I set the radio to 145.920 and had the telemetry program 
running, and went to bed after the 1111utc pass over Alaska.  That 
was only a 1-degree elevation pass and I saw no signal.  I overslept 
this morning (again) and woke up eight minutes after the last pass 
LOS, but there on my screen was the data and a message from my 
anti-virus sw asking if I wanted to connect to the telemetry site.

I approved that so hopefully the frames made it.

MY station is pretty simple:
Home made "AA2TX" Lindenblad antenna with 80-feet of RG-213 coax to a 
DEMI L144-28 transverter (NF=1 dB) with Elecraft K3 IF radio 
connected to my computer via HB soundcard interconnect.  Note there 
is no preamp but the transverter has good NF.  ARISSat was at 
6-degrees elevation when the data was received.

I am using NOVA with keps:
1 37772U 98067CK  11216.75158638  .00033717  00000-0  40433-3 0    12
2 37772 051.6382 276.2984 0012892 043.5724 316.6246 15.60501122    76

Next pass visible to Alaska will be 10:14utc 8-6-2011
I will set up for the linear transponder to test ability to pass 
signal on a later pass.

73, Ed - KL7UW, WD2XSH/45
BP40IQ   500 KHz - 10-GHz
EME: 50-1.1kw?, 144-1.4kw, 432-100w, 1296-60w, 3400-?
DUBUS Magazine USA Rep

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