
ANS is a free, weekly, news and information service of AMSAT North America, The
Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation. ANS reports on the activities of a
worldwide group of Amateur Radio operators who share an active interest in
designing, building, launching and communicating through analog and digital
Amateur Radio satellites.

Please send any amateur satellite news or reports to:

In this edition:
* Lance Ginner, K6GSJ 2011 AMSAT Symposium Banquet Speaker
* OSCAR 1 Prototype Will Be Operating at the 2011 Symposium
* Auburn University AubieSat-1 Scheduled for Launch from Vandenberg
* K6LCS Satellite Presentation at the Anchorage Hamfest
* ARISS Status - 26 September 2011

SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-275.01
Lance Ginner, K6GSJ 2011 AMSAT Symposium Banquet Speaker

AMSAT News Service Bulletin 275.01
October 2, 2011
BID: $ANS-275.01

AMSAT is privileged to have Lance Ginner, K6GSJ as our banquet
speaker. As AMSAT and the amateur radio community celebrate the
50th anniversary of the launch of OSCAR 1 (placed in orbit on
12 DEC 61), we look forward to Lance's remarks about how OSCAR 1
was developed and the impact of amateur radio satellites on his
professional career. We will hear about the personal, technical,
political, and security issues regarding the early OSCARs.

First licensed in 1954 at the age of 16, Lance started his amateur
career as a novice (KN6GSJ) and quickly upgraded to become K6GSJ,
the same general class license he holds today. Following his grad-
uation from college in 1959, he joined Lockheed Missiles and Space
Division in Sunnyvale, CA.

While at Lockheed, Lance became involved with Chuck Towns, K6LFH
and others in Project Oscar and helped build OSCAR 1 (Launched on
12 DEC 61) and OSCAR 2 (Launched on 2 JUN 62) and test and integrate
those spacecraft to the Discoverer host vehicle. OSCAR 1 became one
of the first free flying 'secondary payloads' to be flown into space.

Lance's involvement with amateur radio spacecraft continued with his
work with OSCAR 3, OSCAR 4, OSCAR 5 (the first for the newly formed
Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation in 1970), OSCAR 6, OSCAR 7, and

Lance's involvement with the early OSCAR satellites continued with
AMSAT, working with Jan King, W3GEY (AMSAT VP-Engineering), Perry
Klein, W3PK (AMSAT's first President), and Dick Daniels, W4PUJ
(AMSAT Propulsion).

You are invited to read more of Lance's career as one of Amateur Radio
in Space pioneers on the 2011 Symposium web page:

[ANS thanks the 2011 Symposium Committee for the above information]


SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-275.02
OSCAR 1 Prototype Will Be Operating at the 2011 Symposium

AMSAT News Service Bulletin 275.02
October 2, 2011
BID: $ANS-275.02

The AMSAT 2011 AMSAT Space Symposium will be held on Friday,
November 4th through Sunday, November 6th at the Windham Hotel
in San Jose, California. This year's Symposium coincides the cele-
bration of the 50th anniversary of OSCAR 1.

Symposium Banquet Speaker and OSCAR 1 developer Lance Ginner, K6GSJ
provided Bob Allison, WB1GCM of ARRL's Technical Lab and his team
with technical advice to help getting the satellite operational
again. Bob will also be at the Symposium and will give a brief talk
on the refurbishment process.

The refurbished OSCAR-1 was on display at the ARRL exhibit area at
the 2011 Dayton Hamvention. We look forward to having the OSCAR 1
prototype on display during the AMSAT Symposium as well as hear the
CW transmissions (now managed by a PIC controller) in the 145 MHz

Additionally, the AMSAT News Service will re-run the weekly Project
OSCAR Newsletters to commemorate the 50th anniversary of OSCAR 1.
During the November/December 2011 time frame you will be able to share
the excitement of the launch campaign that started it all 50 years

Watch for the re-publication of the Project OSCAR Newsletters in the
AMSAT Journal. The Newsletters were hand-typed back in 1961. Thanks
to Don Ferguson, KD6IRE for scanning the original documents announ-
cing OSCAR 1.

[ANS thanks the 2011 Symposium Committee for the above information]


SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-275.03
Auburn University AubieSat-1 Scheduled for Launch from Vandenberg

AMSAT News Service Bulletin 275.03
October 2, 2011
BID: $ANS-275.03

JM Wersinger, PhD, KI4YAU, Professor Emeritus and Director of Auburn
University Student Space Program in Alabama wrote this week, "We fer-
vently request your assistance in receiving transmissions from an up-
coming satellite, AubieSat-1, immediately after its launch from Van-
denberg AFB, California, 25 October 2011 at 9:52 UTC. AubieSat-1 (AS-1)
is an undergraduate - built CubeSat satellite developed by Auburn Uni-

AS-1 is designed to transmit with a power of about 800 milliwatts on a
frequency of 437.475 MHz, plus or minus Doppler correction.  The beacon
signal, along with telemetry, will be sent using A1A continuous wave
Morse code at 20 words per minute.  Additional telemetry from the on
board science experiment will use CW transmissions up to 60 WPM.

Based on the pre-launch orbital data provided by NASA, AS-1 will acti-
vate after deployment at 12:21 UTC, 25 October 2011.  At that time,
the sub-satellite point will be at 34.52 S latitude and 1.52 W longi-
tude over the South Atlantic Ocean. Our predictions are that the first
flights over the contiguous United States will begin as shown in the
following table:

Orbit     AOS      Elevation    LOS      General Locale
-----  ---------  ----------   --------   ------------
3      15:54 UTC    >50 deg    16:01 UTC   New York
4      17:28 UTC    >26 deg    17:35 UTC   Texas
5      19:07 UTC    >48 deg    19:14 UTC   California

This information will be updated should there be launch scrubs or per-
formance changes in the launch, and additional information will be
available upon request for specific locations. Reception reports with
data contents are welcomed to the following email addresses:
wersijp at auburn dot edu and tam0013 at auburn dot edu

An internet Echolink conference group is also planned to begin one-half
hour prior to launch and continue until about 30 minutes after confir-
mation of the first receipt of signals from the satellite. Information
on the conference groups title will be distributed nearer to the launch
for interested stations.

Please email wersijp at auburn dot edu if you require additional infor-
mation and can assist in the reception and tracking
of AubieSat-1.

Long-time AMSAT Member John Klingelhoeffer, WB4LNM serves as the Tech-
nical Advisor in Auburn University's Student Space Program.

[ANS thanks Professor Wersinger, KI4YAU at Auburn University for the
 above information].


SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-275.04
K6LCS Satellite Presentation at the Anchorage Hamfest

AMSAT News Service Bulletin 275.04
October 2, 2011
BID: $ANS-275.04

Craig Bledsoe, KL4E of the Anchorage Amateur Radio Club (AARC) noted
their September 17 Hamfest featured a first ever remotely-delivered
keynote presentation by Clint Bradford, K6LCS.

In order to facilitate this full-duplex two-way video Skype conference
between Clint's studio in Riverside, California and the Anchorage Ham-
fest a team of hams assembled the technology to make this happen.

Led by Rich Gillin, AL4S, and Eric Thompson, N6SPP, the team installed
an AT&T active remote phased-array WiMax antenna at the hamfest and
aimed it towards the AT&T Alascom headquarters on Government Hill many
miles away. The resultant broadband signal enabled Clint to present
over a hundred PowerPoint slides through a laptop computer and projec-
tion system while his audio was delivered via a Skype connection. Two
way internet video streaming allowed the audience to see Clint and he
was able to see the crowd at the Hamfest.

Clint delivered a fascinating look across the spectrum of amateur sat-
ellite operations. From the earliest days of the first OSCAR satellites
first launched over a half-century ago to the organization of AMSAT and
today's comprehensive international efforts to get the latest amateur
technologies into outer space, his presentation covered it all.

Clint also taught the basics, showing step-by-step how a beginning ham
can use a simple handheld radio and antenna to work the satellites with
great success.

In addition to all of the on-line satellite discussions, the AARC also
conducted real-life satellite QSOs from the hamfest before and after
Clint's presentation. Using AO-27, SO-50, and AO51 the host operators
N6SPP and KL4E worked over a dozen amateur satellite stations in three
countries.  Then a number of guest operators who were attending the
Hamfest got on board as well. Several visiting hams made their first
satellite QSOs that day - and they were thrilled!

All-in-all everyone had a great time at the Anchorage Amateur Radio
Club Hamfest, and many visitors said that they thoroughly enjoyed
Clint's presentation.

Clint's satellite pages can be found at:

[ANS thanks Craig Bledsoe, KL4E of the Anchorage Amateur Radio Club
 for the above information]


SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-275.05
ARISS Status - 26 September 2011

AMSAT News Service Bulletin 275.05
October 2, 2011
BID: $ANS-275.05

1. First ARISS Contact for Louisiana

On Thursday, September 22, the first Amateur Radio on the International Space
Station (ARISS) contact to be held in Louisiana took place between students
attending Kiroli Elementary School in West Monroe and Satoshi Furukawa, KE5DAW
on the ISS. Approximately 500 students were on hand for the event.
Representatives from the school board, the American Radio Relay League (ARRL)
and the media were also present. The contact was a featured activity held in
conjunction with a well developed education plan covering space and
communications. The University of Louisiana at Monroe (ULM) will open its
observatory in an upcoming month to Kiroli Elementary to allow students to view
various celestial bodies and events, as well as the planets and stars within our
solar system. Contact information and links to articles, video and audio may be
found on this Web site:

2.  ARISS International Team Teleconference Held

The ARISS monthly teleconference was held on Tuesday, September 20.  Among the
agenda items discussed were the upcoming Houston face-to-face meeting and the
HamTV project that ESA plans to support through a contract with Kayser-Italia.
The Project Selection and Use committee will discuss HamTV and a second Kenwood
radio for the Columbus module once the proposals are submitted.  Minutes have
been posted.  See:

3. Astronaut Training Status

Three simulated ARISS contacts were held on Wednesday, September 21. Chris
Hadfield, KC5RNJ/VA3OOG spoke with youth at the Euro Space Camp in Belgium.
Kevin Ford, KF5GPP contacted the Manhattan Challenger Learning Center (CLC) and
Tom Marshburn, KE5HOC answered questions from students at the CLC of
Indianapolis.  The training sessions were terrestrial-based amateur radio
contacts using ARISS equivalent equipment that will prepare the astronauts for
participation in ARISS contacts during their upcoming missions on the ISS. Ford
is slated to launch with Expedition 33 in September 2012 and Hadfield and
Marshburn are scheduled to fly with Expedition 34 in November 2012.

4. EE Times - ARISSat Blog

On September 17, a new entry was made to the EE (Electronic Engineering) Times
"Chips in Space" blog about amateur radio satellite ARISSat-1. This week the
blog covers the project's lessons learned. See:

5. World Radio Magazine Covers ARISSat-1

The World Radio Magazine October 2011 issue featured an article about ARISSat-1.

To view the story, "Amateur Satellites: A Bumpy Ride for ARISSat-1 on its Way to
Space," see:

[ANS thanks Carol, KB3LKI, for the above information]


In addition to regular membership, AMSAT offers membership in the President's
Club. Members of the President's Club, as sustaining donors to AMSAT Project
Funds, will be eligible to receive additional benefits. Application forms are
available from the AMSAT Office.

This week's ANS Editor,
Lee McLamb, KU4OS
ku4os at amsat dot org

Sent via Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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