Hi folks,

I just received an ARISSat-1 pass that crossed into eclipse about 80% of the 
way by.  As expected, the FM signal dropped pretty much immediately upon 
entering eclipse.  But that's not the reason for the post...  

I got a really neat SSTV picture of the Sun streaming into the camera, just a 
few seconds before the eclipse.  Unfortunately it didn't show the planet below 
(ran out of picture), but it got me thinking:  Did the design team do anything 
to protect the cameras when they're looking directly into the Sun?  Were these 
special cameras, or are we counting on the satellite spin to keep them from 
getting too much of a sun tan and burning a hole in the sensor?

I ask because the camera I mounted on my Az / El rotor is dying, and I need to 
replace it.  I built a mechanical shutter to cover the lens when not in use, 
but I wonder if it's worth keeping that mechanical contraption when I get the 


Greg  KO6TH

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