The trip down to EL97 was uneventful.  The location chosen
was on US1 in Sebastian Florida, Indian River County.  21
stations were worked on the AO-27 1825z pass and 6
more were worked on the low elevation western pass at 2005z.
It was sunny with temps in the low 70's, a very nice day for
a grid expedition.

All contacts have been uploaded to LOTW (using K8YSE) for
those who collect grids electrically.  Anyone who needs a
qsl card should send me an email; no qsl card or sase needed.

Equipment used for this operation is what I started with back
in 2006.  The radio was a Kenwood V7A mobile (full duplex) with
a strap around my neck, a 7AH UPS battery sitting on the ground,
headphones along with a digital recorder, mic in one hand and
the Arrow Antenna with a MFJ duplexer in the other hand.

Pass recordings (as heard from EN91) are on my website.
Thanks to everyone who worked me and then stood by when others
were calling me.  You can't make 21 q's in 7 minutes without a lot
of cooperation from everyone on the bird.

John K8YSE

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