

Pse translate Alaska Standard Time to GMT, and I'll try to be QRV on
whatever satellite is available at that time.




Jim, ND9M/MM / VQ9JC

Grid BM35



> Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2011 10:38:19 -0900

> From: Dale Hershberger <da...@alaska.net>

> Subject: [amsat-bb]  Engineers Week Satellite Demonstration

> To: amsat-bbs <amsat-bb@amsat.org>


> Monday afternoon Feb. 28th KL4E will be doing a satellite

> at the Mears Middle School Chugiak, Alaska.   Craig Bledsoe, KL4E will

> be working afternoon passes that are available on the satellites.  

> Anyone is welcome to help in this Engineers Week Satellite 

> Demonstration..


> Hopefully we will have two stations operating at the school to get as 

> many students as possible the opportunity to participate.  This will

> a presentation during the 2PM to 2:45PM class Alaska Standard Time.


> Dale Hershberger


> AMSAT Area Coordinator Alaska



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