At 03:04 PM 2/15/2011, Jim Sanford wrote:
>In preparation for Echoes of Apollo event this spring, I'm resurrecting
>Nova and rotors, etc.  Interesting anomaly.
>Background:  My desktop has Nova version 2.1v
>                          My laptop (which will be used for the event)
>has Nova version 2.2b
>First issue is why are they different; don't remember -- though all was
>the same.
>More important:
>      When I launched Nova on the laptop, I had no "views" configured.
>Which I attributed to a new install following a new hard drive a year or
>so ago, but now I'm not so sure -- something may be corrupted.  Copied
>the views file from desktop to laptop and most was well.  HOWEVER, could
>not find moon or AO-51.  Rebuild data base (IAW help file and FAQ) and
>found Echo (AO-51), which I can drag into my current view and track.
>Moon shows up on list of celestial objects, but I'm not allowed to drag
>it into the tracking list -- get an error message about no keplerian
>elements available.  (Which is no surprise; I think I recall that Nova
>uses a different algorithm for moon and sun.)
>Question:   What do I have to do to be able to track the moon in Nova
>for Windows 2.2b?
>Thanks and very 73,
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I have vers. 2.2b on my desktop and the Moon drags into a view window 
with no error flags.  You build a view clicking the view drop-down 
list and chose either new or current to open the window where you can 
set up a view configuration.

I agree with Clint to uninstall and  install a new copy.  You will 
have to download the latest keps and build a new view but that should do it.

73, Ed - KL7UW, WD2XSH/45
BP40IQ   500 KHz - 10-GHz
EME: 144-1.4kw*, 432-100w, 1296-testing*, 3400-winter?
DUBUS Magazine USA Rep
*temp not in service 
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