The satgate system was shut down about 2 years ago.  The attached posting by
Roy sums it all up.  Of course, WB4APR is doing his substantial part in
keeping some of the functionality available, as are the good Winlink folks.



After many years of packet message forwarding via UO-22, GO-32 and AO-51 
the Satgate System will close due to a lack of traffic being handled. 
The total of thirty five worldwide stations in the system a few years 
ago has dwindled due to this lack of traffic, maintenance problems, 
change of QTH and Silent Keys.

The system was begun long enough ago that I have lost track of the date. 
  It was given birth by David Medley, KI6QE who was in California at the 
time.  The chief Guru and driving force over the past partial decade has 
been Andrew Sellers, G8TZJ  who gets credit for developing the software 
which permitted the Satgate stations to operate in fully automated mode. 
  Traffic was accepted from the terrestrial packet network using BBS 
programs like the F6FBB program and routed to the satellites via the 
WiSP program.  It was also downloaded from the satellite and routed into 
the terrestrial packet network untouched by human hands, all thanks to 

My appreciation goes to David for establishing the Satgate System and to 
Andrew for his effort in keeping this Network going.  Thanks also to the 
remaining few of the Satgates who will be shutting down.

73, Roy -- W0SL

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