Some amateurs in the midwest may be interested in this news posted
by Bill, WB8ELK on the Balloon_Sked list:

Spaceport Indiana balloon launch around 11 am to noon EST Sunday, 
November 10 from downtown Indianapolis at the IUPUI campus carrying 
a student experiment.
Landing zone is a few miles northeast of Cincinnati about 10 miles 
west of Blanchester. 

One of the payloads includes SSTV on 144.310 MHz in Scottie 2 format.

APRS:  WB8ELK-11 and WB8ELK-12
SSTV: 144.310 MHz S2 mode
110 baud ASCII RTTY: 433.996 MHz USB

Iridium satellite modems might also report on APRS.FI as WB8ELK-13 
and WB8ELK-14.

73 de JoAnne K9JKM 
Editor, AMSAT Journal

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