There seems to have been a rash of postings lately about how to get on the the "birds" for "cheep" ( yes the pun is implied!). IMHO cheap is not always equated with good. No one wants the "cheapest" Doctor around or the "cheapest" lawyer or the "cheapest" anything. With the demise of AO51 and the loss of its simple operating characteristics, there has been a migration to the "less" popular satellites. Most of the other FM satellites are no where near as "user friendly" as AO51 was.

With people suggesting that people can get on to the satellites with an inexpensive Chinese made dual band HT and a "telescoping" antenna and nothing else, they are creating a perception that that is all you need to have a successful satellite station. Nothing could be further from the truth! AO27 has a 7 minute timer, there are increasing numbers of people who will call CQ the entire satellite pass over North America and never answer a single response to their "CQ's", and for some unknown reason these stations NEVER have an email address listed on their QRZ listing. Some of us actually use the satellites and do not like it when operators have been told they do not need a preamp or a good antenna or a good radio.

It is much simpler to get into the uplink of the satellite than it is to hear it.

I wish some of the "self-proclaimed" experts would tell these people that if they cannot hear themselves on the downlink that does not mean that they are not keying the satellite.

If people are going to encourage people to get on the satellites, teach them how to use the satellites, not how they can get on the satellites for less than $100.00. They are getting on the satellite and causing interference for those that have invested in the equipment to take proper advantage of what the satellites have to offer.

Some of the people that are pontificating profusely on the subject of operating "for cheap" I have never heard on the satellites.

Encouraging people to become active is one thing, but giving people the impression that all they have to do is get a basic $80.00 radio and a telescoping antenna and they will have a top notch satellite station tantamount to turning an untrained Doctor loose to do surgery.

For those that want to encourage people to get active, how about teaching or recommending proper operating techniques, before you tell them how "cheaply" they can get on the satellites.

AO27 has such a short timer that good technique is paramount for getting the best use out of it, and SO50 has plenty of "quirks" to make it a challenge at times for the "seasoned" operator.

I hope some of those promoting their own ideas of satellite use on a budget would spend more teaching rather than recommending how much money they can save by getting the least expensive gear available.

good radio, receive preamp, decent antenna & Patience = a good beginner satellite station!
If you can't hear the bird, doesn't mean it's not hearing you!
I am happy to speak to anyone that is interested in satellite communications, you can check out my QRZ page.
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